
Editor++ Tool Bar

se_toolbar_1.jpgCreates a new Stored Procedure.
se_toolbar_2.jpgCreates a new Insert record.
se_toolbar_3.jpgCreates a new Data record.
se_toolbar_4.jpgCreates a new Window Event Handler.
se_toolbar_5.jpgCreates a new Operating System file.
se_toolbar_6.jpgOpens an existing Stored Procedure.
se_toolbar_7.jpgOpens an existing Insert record.
se_toolbar_8.jpgOpens an existing Data record.
se_toolbar_9.jpgOpens an existing Windows Event Handler.
se_toolbar_10.jpgOpens an existing Operating System file.
se_toolbar_11.jpgSaves the active open item.
se_toolbar_12.jpgCompiles the active open item.
se_toolbar_13.jpgPrints the active open item.
se_toolbar_14.jpgCuts the highlighted text to the Clipboard.
se_toolbar_15.jpgCopies the highlighted text to the Clipboard.
se_toolbar_16.jpgPastes the Clipboard contents.
se_toolbar_17.jpgDeletes the selected data.
se_toolbar_18.jpgUndoes the last action.
se_toolbar_19.jpgShifts the selected text to the left.
se_toolbar_20.jpgShifts the selected text to the right.
se_toolbar_21.jpgConverts text to Upper Case, Lower Case and Sentence case.
se_toolbar_22.jpgDisplays the System Editor++ Configuration dialog.
se_toolbar_23.jpgDisplays the Basic+ Keyword Configuration dialog.
se_toolbar_24.jpgNavigates to internal subs within a Stored Procedure.
se_toolbar_25.jpgNavigates to Insert statements within a Stored Procedure.
se_toolbar_26.jpgLaunches the Programmer's Reference Manual.
  • guides/programming/programming_in_openinsight/se_editor_tool_bar.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
  • by