
Editor++ Fold/Unfold Code

The Editor++ has the ability to view folded and unfolded code. The Editor++ reviews code for specific keyword blocks and then provides the capability of collapsing and expanding those blocks.

To fold/collapse code, click on the se_fold_icon.jpg image in the left hand margin of the Editor.

To unfold/expand code, click on the se_fold_icon_a.jpg image in the left hand margin of the Editor.

When using the Fold/Unfold Code option from the View menu, the outermost block is folded and unfolded.

Figure 1: Unfolded Code


Figure 2: Folded Code


  • guides/programming/programming_in_openinsight/se_fold_unfold_code.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
  • by