
Using RevDotNet

RevDotNet functionality is contained in a series of APIs that OpenInsight programmers can call to create and manipulate .NET classes. These can be either visible classes (like Tree Controls, ListView Controls, etc.) or functional classes (like encryption classes, etc.). You must first establish which assemblies you wish to use, and then you may create objects from the classes in those assemblies. Once you've created an object, you can determine its methods, properties, events, etc., and invoke those methods, set and get those properties, register for those events, etc. Figure 1 shows some of the Basic+ code necessary to control the .NET MonthCalendar control.

Figure 1: Communicating with .NET through the RevDotNet API in Basic+

To assist you in navigating through the capabilities of the .NET framework, the DOTNETEXPLORER tool (figure 2) can be used to examine specific classes within any assembly. Using the DOTNETEXPLORER, you can see a full list of the properties, fields, methods, events, and interfaces that a particular class contains; for visible controls, you can also manipulate the visible properties to see how changes affect the display.

The DOTNETEXPLORER may be used with .NET 4.0 controls; to investigate the properties, methods, etc. of .NET 2.0 controls, invoke the DOTNETEXPLORER2 instead.

Figure 2: DotNetExplorer Interrogation/Design Tool

Using RevDotNet, you use the familiar environment of OpenInsight to manipulate all the actions of the .NET control. Note that many of these actions are fairly complex, and thus do require a significant amount of code – some of which is hidden from you when the .NET control is used, for example, in the Visual Studio environment. With RevDotNet, you get to see and control all the “behind the scenes” functionality.

RevDotNet API

The .NET Calendar Control

  • guides/revdotnet/using_revdotnet.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/10/14 17:10
  • by bshumsky