
Creating an MDI Frame

Multiple Document Interface (MDI) windows are child windows or OpenInsight forms that belong to a parent frame and are displayed in the window client area. The MDI Frame is the main window and normally contains a menu, a client area and a status line. The MDI Frame controls all of the child windows. The MDI children are the OpenInsight forms that appear within the client area of the MDI frame.

- To create an OpenInsight MDI Frame, from the OpenInsight IDE choose New, Windows Forms, MDI Frame.


- An MDI frame with an MDI client window is displayed. The MDI client window is part of the frame window and cannot be deleted or copied. MDI child windows are confined to the MDI client area. The text “MDI Client Window” is visible only during OpenInsight form design so that you can distinguish the MDI client area from other controls. The Client Window should display as follows:


The MDI Client Window can be resized.

  • guides/bfs/mv/creating_an_mdi_frame.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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