

The FILESYSTEM object supports the following methods:

CHOOSEDIRExecutes the Windows Common Browse Folder dialog to select a folder name.
CHOOSEFILEExecutes the Windows Common File dialog to select a file name.
COPYDIRCopies the contents of a directory to another directory.
COPYFILESCopies one or more files to another location.
DELETEFILESDeletes one or more files.
DIREXISTSChecks to see if a specified directory exists.
FILEEXISTSChecks to see if a specified file exists.
GETABSOLUTEPATHResolves a relative path to an absolute one.
GETLONGPATHResolves a short (8.3) path to a long one.
GETRELATIVEPATHResolves an absolute path to a relative one.
GETSHORTPATHResolves a long path to a short (8.3) form.
GETSPECIALDIRReturns a specified Windows “special” directory.
MAKEDIRCreates a new directory at the specified location.
MOVEDIRMoves a directory and its contents to a new location.
MOVEFILESMoves one or more files to a new location.
REMOVEDIRDeletes a specified directory and its contents.
RENAMEDIRRenames a specified directory to a new name.
RENAMEFILERenames a specified file to a new name.
  • guides/oi10/presentation_server/filesystem_methods.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
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