
< > Angle Brackets operator

Use the angle brackets operator ( < > ) to replace data in dynamic string arrays, or to extract data from them.

result = variable<field> result = variable<field, value> result = variable<field, value, subvalue>

The Angle brackets operator has the following parameters.

VariableDesignates the dynamic array that contains the data to be extracted or replaced.
field, value, and subvalueSpecifies the location of the data to be extracted or replaced in the dynamic array. field, value, and subvalue may be integer values or any expression that yields integer values.

If the angle bracket syntax appears on the left side of an assignment statement, then a dynamic Replace() will occur. For example:


is equivalent to

CUST_REC = Replace( Cust_Rec,3,2,0, 'JEFFERSON')

In this example, the third field, second value is replaced with the string "JEFFERSON". Notice that the 0 (zero) is required in the Replace syntax but not in the angle bracket syntax. Also notice that there is no space between the variable name and the first angle bracket.

Note: The variable must first be initialized before assigning a value with angle bracket operators.

If the angle bracket syntax is used in any expression to the right of an assignment statement, then an Extract is implied. Notice that:


is equivalent to

NAME = Extract(REC,4,0,0)

* Extract the third field, Nth value.

/* Extract the fifth field, Nth value, and subvalue number that is yielded by LINE + 1. */

/* Replace the sixth field, Nth value of MASTER with the second field of PM. */
MASTER<6,N> = PM<2>

* Replace field four of MASTER with "WALL CONSTRUCTION".
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/angle_brackets_operator.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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