

The REVERROR.DAT file resides in the REVBOOT directory. It contains the alphanumeric error code and standard error messages that are encountered in OpenInsight.

Basic+ Errors

Checkout Errors

Database Errors

DataSet Errors

Engine Errors

Event Handling Errors

File System Errors

Index Errors

Message Errors

Ping Errors

Popup Errors

RDK Errors

Repository Errors

Socket Errors

System Stored Procedure Errors

System Errors

X Errors

ENG0010: %1%, line %2%. Variable has not been assigned a value.

ENG0012: %1%, line %2%. Table has not been opened.

ENG0015: %2%, line %3%. Illegal opcode: %1%

ENG0016: %1%, line %2%. Non-numeric data when numeric required. Zero used.

ENG0017: %1%, line %2%. Subscript value out of range.

ENG0019: %1%, line %2%. Illegal pattern.

ENG0022: %2%, line %3%. Branch index of %1% is illegal.

ENG0023: %2%, line %3%. Branch index of %1% exceeds number of statement-labels.

ENG0024: %1%, line %2%. Divide by zero; Result Zero!

ENG0027: %1%, line %2%. RETURN executed with no GOSUB.

ENG0028: %1%, line %2%. Not enough string space - Out of Memory.

ENG0031: %1%, line %2%. Stack overflow.

ENG0040: %1%, line %2%. The labeled common variable has been freed and is no longer valid.

ENG0050: %1%, line %2%. Function with argument value ⇐ 0 undefined; Zero returned.

ENG0051: %1%, line %2%. Negative number raised to non-integer value. Zero used!

ENG0055: %1%, line %2%. MATREAD or MATWRITE operation must be to or from a vector.

ENG0700: %1%, line %2%. Non-dimensioned variable used as an array.

ENG0701: %1%, line %2%. Double-dimension array used with only one subscript.

ENG0702: %1%, line %2%. Single-dimension array used with two subscripts.

ENG0703: %1%, line %2%. Variable exceeds maximum length.

ENG0704: %1%, line %2%. Attempt to access an array without a subscript. Zero used.

ENG0705: %1%, line %2%. Array not dimensioned.

ENG0706: %1%, line %2%. String space format error.

ENG0707: %1%, line %2%. Format output exceeds 64K.

ENG0708: %1%, line %2%. Subroutine contains invalid header. CALL aborted.

ENG0709: %1%, line %2%. Remainder by Zero illegal. Zero used.

ENG0710: %1%, line %2%. Extra parameters ignored.

ENG0711: %2%, line %3%. Too many parameters passed to procedure %1%.

ENG0712: %1%, line %2%. Attempt to pass more than 127 parameters.

ENG0713: %1%, line %2%. Step value of Zero illegal in FOR-NEXT loop. Loop terminated.

ENG0714: %1%, line %2%. String exceeds maximum length. Null used.

ENG0715: %1%, line %2%. DOS file size exceeds 65532 bytes.

ENG0716: %1%, line %2%. Zero and non-zero subscript not allowed. Element zero used.

ENG0717: %1%, line %2%. Program-list format error.

ENG0718: %1%, line %2%. Frame format error.

ENG0719: %1%, line %2%. String space format error.

ENG0720: %1%, line %2%. Attempt to use common variable when common has not been defined.

ENG0721: %1%, line %2%. Attempt to use a common variable not defined in original common.

ENG0722: %1%, line %2%. Labeled common has not been defined.

ENG0723: %1%, line %2%. Invalid opcode CALL to an RTP.

ENG0724: %1%, line %2%. Disk read error loading SYSTEM object.

ENG0725: %1%, line %2%. SYSTEM object table missing.

ENG0726: %1%, line %2%. Invalid name for DOS table.

ENG0727: %2%, line %3%. %1% is access protected and cannot be written.

ENG0728: %2%, line %3%. Media full writing %1%.

ENG0755: %1%, line %2%. 8087 not empty at line mark.

ENG0760: %1%, line %2%. Labeled common spt string format error.

ENG0761: %1%, line %2%. Labeled common name string format error.

ENG0762: %1%, line %2%. Labeled common created smaller than declaration.

ENG0772: %1%, line %2%. Tangent of 90 degrees is undefined.

ENG0800: %2%, line %3%. %1%

ENG0801: %1%, line %2%. Unknown descriptor type; using null string.

ENG0802: %1%, line %2%. External C program has executed an abort.

ENG0803: %2%, line %3%. %1% has not been implemented.

ENG0804: %2%, line %3%. Unable to load dynamic link library %1%.

ENG0805: %3%, line %4%. Function %2% does not exist in dynamic link library %1%.

ENG0806: %2%, line %3%. Invalid object code type: %1%.

ENG0807: %1%, line %2%. Main program has been called with arguments.

ENG0808: %3%, line %4%. Error [%1%] writing to table %2% during flush operation.

ENG0809: %3%, line %4%. Error [%1%] opening table %2% during flush operation.

ENG0810: %2%, line %3%. Null buffer: table %1% will not be flushed.

ENG0811: %1%, line %2%. Invalid pointer passed to GetValue.

ENG0812: %1%, line %2%. Invalid pointer passed to SetReturnValue.

ENG0813: %1% line %2%. Invalid binary flag argument.

FS10: Domain validation error. The record "%1%" contains illegal characters - or - the data does not pass validation patterns specified in the dictionary.

FS11: Error attempting to convert or validate data in the "%1%" column. Check dictionary conversion and validation patterns.

FS12: The record does not pass reduction criteria.

FS13: Unable to lock this table or record. This lock is being held by another station.

FS14: The operating system has denied access to this table or record. A table or record lock is being held by another station.

FS15: Domain Error: Attempt to write NULL value into column "%1%".

FS16: Domain Error: Attempt to write too many characters into column "%1%" (maximum: %2%).

FS17: Domain Error: Value for column "%1%" does not conform to domain rule: %2%.

FS18: Domain Error: Error converting value for column "%1%", by format: %2%.

FS30: Number of fields in record is greater than the number of table columns.

FS50: Error while updating or deleting the dictionary record "%1%". The table structure cannot be modified while the data table contains data.

FS51: Dictionary domain error. The dictionary record "%1%" does not conform to the foreign table attribute specifications defined for this table type.

FS52: The name "%2%" is an invalid foreign table name for the "%1%" table.

FS53: You have attempted to define too many master fields. The maximum allowable is %1%, but you have attempted to define %2%.

FS54: The fields have not been defined in field position order. The following field position(s) are missing: %1%

FS55: No master fields have been defined – unable to create the table.

FS56: The data table cannot be created unless the dictionary exists.

FS57: The dictionary record "%1%" has a foreign field name "%2%" that has already been used in another dictionary record.

FS100: Record "%1%" does not exist.

FS101: Write error. The operating system table "%1%" does not exist.

FS102: Error while writing data. "%1%" is a read-only table.

FS103: Error in the operating system table "%1%". Disk volume full.

FS104: General write error in the operating system table "%1%".

FS105: Read error in the operating system table "%1%". The table does not exist or the tablename is not valid for the operating system.

FS106: Access denied by the operating system to the "%1%" table.

FS107: Read error. OS Table = "%1%".

FS109: Open or Create Media error. The name "%1%" is an invalid volume directory label.

FS110: Open table error. The handle "%1%" is invalid for a volume directory.

FS111: No more records available.

FS112: The %1% filing system cannot be installed.

FS113: The filing system RTP59 cannot be installed. (RTP57 must be installed beforehand.)

FS114: The filing system RTP50 cannot be installed. The entry "MEMORY.RESIDENT" cannot be made in the "SYSVOLUMES" table.

FS115: The filing system RTP50 cannot be installed. No entry can be made in the "SYSVOLUMES" table.

FS116: The filing system RTP50 cannot be installed. No entry can be made in the "SYSTABLES" table.

FS124: Group Format Error: OS File : %1% Group # : %2% Reading the next frame in the current group has failed.

FS125: Group Format Error! OS File : %1% Group # : %2% A record has been truncated across frame boundaries.

FS126: Group Format Error: OS File : %1% Group # : %2% Wrong Overflow frame linked to group.

FS127: Group Format Error: OS File : %1% Group # : %2% Record length incorrect or frame linkage error.

FS128: Linear Hash Error: OS File : %1% Group # : %2% LNP incorrect - modulo corrupted in group 0 header.

FS129: Linear Hash Error OS File: %1% Group #: %2% Group Calculation Error.

FS130: The BFS code %1% has not been implemented in the BFS "%2%".

FS133: Undefined error during a read/write/delete operation. OS File : %1% Status(): %2%

FS135: Generic %1% Server ErrorError code: %2%%3%

FS140: Unable to create the "%1%" table. There are too many fields defined.

FS141: Unable to create the "%1%" table. Position number %2% in the dictionary is missing.

FS142: The record "%2%" cannot be saved in the "%1%" table because it contains invalid data.

FS143: Unable to create the "%1%" table. The dictionary is missing.

FS144: Record "%2%" is missing from the "%1%" table.

FS145: The "%1%" table does not exist.

FS146: The "%1%" table already exists.

FS147: Unable to create the table. The specified table attributes are not valid.

FS148: The record key "%2%" is invalid for the "%1%" table.

FS149: The "%1%" table is protected and cannot be deleted.

FS150: The "%1%" table is too long. (Tables must be less than 65,530 characters.)

FS151: ROS table error. The record "%1%" has made a frame longer than 65,650 characters. The frame cannot be saved.

FS152: The control record "%RECORDS%" is too long to be saved. The current record length is %1% characters.

FS160: Insufficient memory. %1% characters are required, but only %2% characters are available

FS161: Too many locks have been attempted. The lock table for the Linear Hash table type has overflowed.

FS162: Because of licensing restrictions, records cannot be written to the "%1%" table

FS171: Warning! Incorrect version of DOS – use DOS 3.1 or higher. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Use only local tables or reboot using a correct version of DOS.

FS172: Warning! The locktable "REVBOOT" is not available. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Correct the condition or use only local tables.

FS173: Warning! The station identifier cannot be found. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Use only local tables or log out and correct the condition.

FS174: Warning! No network drive can be found. Either the drive is local or no network drive is configured. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Use only local tables or log out and correct the condition.

FS175: Warning! The network shell is not loaded. Interrupt 60 (Hex) has not been initialized. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Use only local tables or log out and establish a network connection.

FS176: Warning! NetWare is not responding. The server is inactive or your workstation shell has not been loaded. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Use only local tables or log out and check your network connection.

FS185: Warning! The current network driver is for non-networking purposes only and will not function properly on a network. Data corruption may result! Log out and correct the condition.

FS186: Warning! The locktable "REVBOOT" is not available. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Data corruption may result! Log out and correct the situation.

FS187: Warning! The station/process ID cannot be found. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Data corruption may result! Log out and correct the situation.

FS188: Warning! SHARE.EXE has not been loaded. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Data corruption may result! Log out and correct the situation

FS189: Warning! The current network driver does not support local locking. Data corruption may result if you run more than one OpenInsight from this workstation at the same time.

FS190: Warning! The Banyan VINES Service Interrupt was not found. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Do not attempt multiuser operation.

FS191: Warning! The BANCOM TSR was not found. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Do not attempt multiuser operation.

FS192: Warning! The user's VINES StreetTalk name was not found. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Do not attempt multiuser operation.

FS193: Warning! An error was encountered while opening the VINES Communications Socket. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Do not attempt multiuser operation.

FS194: Warning! An error was encountered while initializing the network driver. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Do not attempt multiuser operation.

FS195: Warning! No lock services were connected. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Do not attempt multiuser operation.

FS196: Warning! An error was encountered while connecting the lock service for drive %1%. You will not be able to lock tables or records. Do not attempt multiuser operation.

FS200: The "%1%" table is not available.

FS201: The record "%1%" in the "%2%" table is not available.

FS202: No error code was returned in @FILE.ERROR. %1% %2%

FS210: The index table for "%1%" is not available.

FS211: The index for the "%2%" field in the "%1%" table is corrupted. Please rebuild the index before retrying.

FS212: Error while compiling the index transaction module for the "%1%" table.

FS213: The index node "%2%" cannot be found in the index table "%1%".

FS214: Index control information for the "%1%" table has been corrupted. Relational indexes should be rebuilt.

FS215: The Quickdex or Rightdex index has been corrupted. You can rebuild the index by executing a "LIST" or "SELECT" command.

FS216: Tables of this table type cannot be attached while a transaction is pending.

FS217: Tables of this table type cannot be detached while a transaction is pending.

FS231: Warning! Network Service Configuration Error.

FS250: There is not enough memory to call the BASIC+ preprocessor/compiler. %1% bytes of memory are required but only %2% are available.

FS251: Error in generating the Protection module.

FS252: Error compiling Protection module.

FS253: An error was encountered during the CALCULATEX process.

FS254: Error locating a table in the "SYSTABLES" table. Table handle: "%1%".

FS255: An error has occurred while attempting to create the "%1%" table. The table has not been created.

FS256: A table cannot be renamed if it has been changed during the current transaction.

FS257: An error has occurred while attempting to create the transaction log table "%1%". The table has not been created.

FS258: Can not rename/tablecopy only data or dictionary part of the indexed table "%1%". Please remove keyword "DATA" or "DICT" in the command for completely renaming indexed tables.

FS259: The "%1%" table has relational indexes on it and the related table "%2%" is not available or attached for updating control information.

FS260: Too many locks. The lock limit of %1% has been exceeded.

FS261: The lock tables are out of synchronization. Table name: "%1%" Record key: "%2%"

FS262: The lock waiting period has expired. (%1% seconds).

FS263: The lock wait has been canceled. Table name: "%1%" Record key: "%2%"

FS264: General deadlock error on "%1%".

FS265: The current transaction has been cancelled due to a deadlock. The transaction has been rolled back.

FS266: Cross account relational index is not allowed. The "%1%" table has relational indexes on it and renaming/tablecopying table to a different account "%2%" violates this rule. Please remove the relational index and try again.

FS267: The "%1%" table has relational/dependency indexes on it. Please specify "D" option to delete the source table after copying or take off relational/dependency indexes on the source table "%1%" and try again.

FS270: The "%1%" column does not exist.

FS271: The "%1%" column is not indexed.

FS272: "%2%" is not a valid tablename in the "%1%" environment.

FS273: "%2%" is not a valid field name in the "%1%" environment.

FS274: The OpenInsight dictionary for the "%1%" table does not match the structure of the bonded table "%2%".

FS275: The record "%2%" cannot be saved because it is write/delete-protected in the "%1%" table.

FS276: The MFS list has been corrupted. MFS code: %1% MFS list: "%2%" The MFS list is missing the underlying BFS name for executing the next call.

FS277: The code %1% is not a valid direction code for Readnext. Direction codes should be less than or equal to 3.

FS278: An invalid READNEXT pointer was encountered.

FS279: The record "%1%" cannot be deleted because it is delete-protected in the "%2%" table.

FS280: The "C" subroutine data segment cannot be found in the "%1%" table, record "%2%".

FS281: An undefined "C" error has occurred. Possible causes include insufficient memory, disk space, or operating system table handles.

FS290: You cannot write or delete records because Quick/Rightdex for this table does not use the "%2%" language set specified in the current environment. Either: Reload the "%1%" language set - or - Re-install the Quick/Rightdex.

FS291: List over 64k bytes in BTREE.SUB operations or RELATER routines.

FS292: Invalid BFS type %1%.

FS293: Cannot compile %1% in current product.

FS294: The error detail is approaching 64k bytes. The process has been aborted.

FS300: The "%1%" table is not available.

FS301: "%1%" is not a valid data type.

FS302: A comma is missing in the type specification "%1%".

FS303: Argument %2% for "%1%" is missing a quotation mark.

FS304: The "%1%" bond cannot use the data type "%2%".

FS305: The "%1%" bond does not require or use foreign field attributes.

FS306: The "%1%" bond does not require or use table attributes.

FS307: Invalid arguments were passed to BOND.SUBS.

FS308: Argument %2% ("%3%") for the data type "%1%" is missing or invalid.

FS309: The "%1%" table type requires data types for its dictionary fields.

FS310: The %1% bond does not support or require foreign table attributes.

FS311: The bond '%1%' was incorrectly called to dynamically derive a data type from data type '%2%'. Report this error to the vendor you purchased this bond from.

FS312: The '%1%' bond was incorrectly called to dynamically select a type mapping for the data type '%2%'. Report this error to the bond developer.

FS313: Data type '%1%' is defined to be a synonym for '%2%', but '%2%' is not a defined data type.

FS314: Data type '%1%' is derived from data type '%2%', but '%2%' is not a defined data type.

FS315: The user-specified mapping '%1%' is not a valid type mapping.

FS316: The precision (the first argument) of data type DECIMAL must be greater than or equal to the scale (the second argument) of data type DECIMAL.

FS330: The Sql Server returned the following errors: %1%

FS350: Cannot read volume information from media record.

FS351: Invalid/missing volume information.

FS352: Volume %1% already exists.

FS353: Missing/invalid media handle.

FS354: Cache failure.

FS355: Insufficient permissions for the requested action.

FS360: The Encryption Server returned the following errors: %1%

FS361: Encryption Parameters not specified for table %1%.

FS362: Invalid/missing passphrase information for volume.

FS363: Encryption group parameter not specified for table.

FS364: Encryption check value failure: %1%.

FS365: Unable to encrypt table %1%: %2%.

FS400: Invalid table handle.

FS401: The "%1%" table has not been created or attached.

FS402: The list cannot be found in the "SYSLISTS" table.

FS403: There is a mismatch between the "SYSVOLUMES" and "SYSTABLES" tables during the "%1%" function.

FS404: The "%1%" volume has the same label ("%3%") as the "%2%" volume and cannot be attached.

FS405: The volume "%1%" cannot be attached.

FS410: An invalid lock type was specified.

FS411: The table is not locked.

FS412: The record is not locked.

FS413: Semaphore is not locked.

FS414: Lock is held by this station.

FS415: This lock is currently held by another station.

FS420: %1% is an invalid Readnext direction.

FS421: The operation has been cancelled.

FS430: Error matching dictionary handles during a select operation.

FS431: No more cursors are available.

FS432: Invalid value for LIST.ACTIVE.

FS434: The field type "%1%" is invalid in a sort list.

FS435: The designated cursor cannot be cleared.

FS436: Invalid cursor value.

FS437: The sort expression contains the invalid field name "%1%".

FS438: Error during SELECT. Multiple handles instead of IOPROC.

FS439: Error in the Column Qualifier.

FS440: Error merging a sort table.

FS441: Error while extracting a sort table.

FS442: Error while initializing the sort table '%1%'.

FS443: Error writing to the sort table.

FS444: Logical Error The key list has overflowed while sorting.

FS450: Warning! Linear Hash Client/Server communication protocal not installed. Linear Hash Client/Server software will not be used. Use only local files or log out and check your workstation configuration.

FS451: Warning! Unable to open a Linear Hash Client/Server communication protocal connection. Linear Hash Client/Server software will not be used. Use only local files or log out and check your workstation configuration.

FS452: Warning! Unable to locate an initial Linear Hash Server. Linear Hash Client/Server software will not be used. Use only local files or log out and check your workstation configuration.

FS453: Warning! The Linear Hash Client/Server TSR is not installed. Linear Hash Client/Server software will not be used. Use only local files or log out and check your workstation configuration.

FS454: Warning! Error allocating local resources for Linear Hash Client/Server access. Linear Hash Client/Server software will not be used. Use only local files or log out and check your workstation configuration.

FS455: Linear Hash Client/Server. Get Canocical Path Error. File name "%1%". Error number "%2%".

FS456: Linear Hash Client/Server. Local File Error. File name "%1%".

FS457: Linear Hash Client/Server. File Name Format Error. File name "%1%".

FS458: Linear Hash Client/Server. Client Allocation Error. Unable to allocate needed client resources for Linear Hash Server access.

FS459: Linear Hash Client/Server. Invalid Client File Handle.

FS460: Linear Hash Client/Server. Invalid Client Server Handle.

FS461: Linear Hash Client/Server. Get Local Target Error.

FS462: Linear Hash Client/Server. No Linear Hash Server.

FS463: Linear Hash Client/Server. TSR Server Table Full. Restart the Linear Hash Client/Server TSR with a larger server table size parameter setting.

FS464: Linear Hash Client/Server. Send Packet Error.

FS465: Linear Hash Client/Server. Receive Packet Error.

FS466: Linear Hash Client/Server. No Server Response.

FS467: Linear Hash Client/Server. Client Server Table Full.

FS468: Linear Hash Client/Server. Client File Table Full.

FS469: Linear Hash Client/Server. Duplicate Server Serial Number.

FS470: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server Allocation Error. Unable to allocate needed server resources for Linear Hash Server access.

FS471: Linear Hash Client/Server. Packet Size Error.

FS472: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server Set Connection Error.

FS473: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server Set Task Error.

FS474: Linear Hash Client/Server. Next Packet Error.

FS477: Linear Hash Client/Server. Unable to open the Linear Hash file because Server Only Access Mode has been specified in the REVPARAM file.

FS478: Linear Hash Client/Server. Using invalid Revelation file variable.

FS479: Linear Hash Client/Server. Client Open File Table Full.

FS480: Linear Hash Client/Server. Client Not Initialized.

FS481: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server File Open Error. File name "%1%".

FS482: Linear Hash Client/Server. Temporary Server Allocation Error.

FS483: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server File Close Error. File name "%1%".

FS484: Linear Hash Client/Server. Version 1 Linear Hash File Format. File name "%1%".

FS485: Linear Hash Client/Server. Invalid Server File Handle.

FS486: Linear Hash Client/Server. Invalid Server File Variable.

FS487: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server Connection Syncronization Error.

FS488: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server Task Syncronization Error.

FS489: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server Lock Allocation Error.

FS490: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server File Handle Table Full. Restart the Linear Hash Server software with a larger File Handle Table size.

FS491: Linear Hash Client/Server. Server File Variable Table Full. Restart the Linear Hash Server software with a larger File Variable Table size.

FS492: Linear Hash Client/Server. Linear Hash Version Syncronization Error.

FS493: Group Format Error! OS File : %1% Group # : %2% The group contains an invalid frame type value.

FS494: Group Format Error! OS File : %1% Group # : %2% An invalid frame type value was about to be written.

FS495: Group Format Error! OS File : %1% Group # : %2% The group contains a record which does not belong.

FS496: Linear Hash Client/Server. Record size exceeds 65532.

FS497: Linear Hash Client/Server. Id group size exceeds 65532.

FS499: Extended error: %1%

FS1000: File name length exceeds maximum path length.

FS1001: The total length of all key ids in the group exceeds the maximum variable length.

FS1002: The record length exceeds the maximum variable length.

FS1003: Group Format Error: OS File : %1% Group # : %2% Invalid frame header during read.

FS1004: Group Format Error: OS File : %1% Group # : %2% Invalid frame header during write.

FS1005: File name length exceeds maximum path length.

FS1006: Unable to determine the complete UNC path of the file name.

FS1007: Internal initialization error.

FS1008: File creation error.

FS1009: File open error.

FS1010: Lock error.

FS1011: Shared lock error.

FS1012: Group lock error.

FS1013: Group lock timeout error.

FS1014: Unable to allocate temporary buffer.

FS1015: Unable to allocate internal buffer.

FS1016: Record Key too long.

FS1017: Unable to allocate lock buffer.

FS1018: Version synchronization error.

FS1019: Server only access specified in REVPARAM file.

FS1020: Unable to open REVLOCKS file at workstation.

FS1021: Maximum number of volume users exceeded.

FS1022: Maximum number of OpenInsight users exceeded.

FS1023: Test lock timeout error.

FS1024: Volume user lock error.

FS1025: OpenInsight user lock error.

FS1026: Cache flush locked by other.

FS1027: Cache flush lock error.

FS1028: Claim mutual exclusion semaphore error.

FS1029: Out of file handles error.

FS1030: Unable to open REVLOCKS file at server.

FS1100: Resource not initialized error.

FS1101: Resource already initialized error.

FS1102: Resource in use error.

FS1103: Error number %2% returned during RCL initialize.

FS1104: Error number %2% returned during RCL connect.

FS1105: Error number %2% returned during RCL request reply.

FS1106: Error number %2% returned during RCL disconnect.

FS1107: Error number %2% returned during RCL get statistics.

FS1108: Remote path error.

FS1109: Duplicate server serial number.

RDK100: SYSLISTS table not attached.

RDK101: APPID argument required.

RDK102: Specified application (APPID) does not exist.

RDK103: Specified entity does not exist.

RDK104: SYSREPOSVIEWS table not attached.

RDK105: View exists, collision.

RDK106: Logical error in add.

RDK107: Logical error in remove.

RDK108: View definition does not exist.

RDK110: Target directory not specified.

RDK111: RDK deploy spec record missing from SYSENV table.

RDK112: Error copying table %1% to target directory %2%.

RDK113: Error creating table %1% on target directory %2%.

RDK114: Error copying record %2% into table %1%.

RDK115: User canceled extraction process.

RDK116: List exceeds maximum length.

RDK117: Error deleting file "%1%".

RDK118: Could not retain path "%1%" for table "%2%".

RDK119: Default data volume is necessary for extraction.

RDK120: Cannot create non-relative directory %1%.

RDK121: Error creating relative directory %1%.

RDK122: Extraction directory %1% is invalid

RDK123: The Extraction directory "%1%" contains a Repository.

RDK124: The Extraction directory "%1%" contains OpenInsight files.

RDK126: Error writing installation definition record.

RDK127: Error creating user record.

RDK125: Operating system error. Cannot validate extraction directory

RWD100: Cannot copy an image file to the specified location.

SSP100: A null table name is not allowed.

SSP101: Database record missing %1% database name

SSP102: Parameter contains system delimiters ( i.e. @FM, @VM, … )

SSP103: User has terminated the request.

SSP110: User must have administrative privileges for this operation.

SSP111: Error %1% while sending data.

SSP112: The system identifier %1% is invalid.

SSP113: Invalid dictionary data type specified.

SSP114: The system administrative privileges can not be modified for the author of the application.

SSP115: User must have system administrative privileges for this operation.

SSP116: Lower level user is not allowed to create/update attribute(s) of higher level user.

SSP200: The "%1%" system table cannot be deleted.

SSP205: The "%1%" system table cannot be cleared.

SSP210: The drive specifier "%1%" is invalid for the table copy process.

SSP211: Not enough disk space is available to copy the table.

SSP212: Copying between two different filing systems ("%1%" and "%2%") is not allowed.

SSP213: The table "%1%" cannot be copied to itself.

SSP214: The table "%1%" already exists; the copy was not performed.

SSP215: The table "%1%" does not exists; the copy was not performed.

SSP216: The copy process failed.

SSP217: Name mismatch error.

SSP220: The "%1%" system table cannot be renamed.

SSP221: "%1%" is an aliased table name and cannot be renamed.

SSP225: The table and volume parameters are inconsistent with each other.

SSP226: A group format error has been detected in volume "%1%".

SSP230: Required server name not passed.

SSP231: Required bond database name not passed.

SSP232: Required bond user name not passed.

SSP233: Server name passed is not valid.

SSP234: Bond Database name passed is not valid.

SSP235: Bond User name passed is not valid.

SSP236: Bond Password passed is not valid.

SSP237: "%1%" is an invalid table type.

SSP238: Table type "%1%" is not a server based filng system.

SSP245: Aliasing is not allowed for the "%1%" filing system.

SSP246: The "%1%" system table cannot be aliased.

SSP247: Name "%1%" and "%2%" mismatching error.

SSP248: Table record "%1%" is missing in revmedia.

SSP271: The header of the table %1% is corrupted. FIX_LH cannot continue.

SSP272: Fix type "%1%" is invalid.

SSP273: Another station is currently fixing table and have semaphore %1% locked. Please wait until the other station finish.

SSP280: Table "%1%" not found at "%2%", filing system "%3%".

SSP281: Invalid table name "%1%".

SSP282: Table "%1%" does not have control features on.

SSP283: Table "%1%" already has control features on.

SSP284: Unable to add control features to "%1%" table.

SSP285: "%1%" is already a master definition for this column position

SSP286: "%1%" must be a master column definition

SSP287: Table is not used in application "%1%"

SSP288: Inherited Application "%1%" does not exist

SSP301: "%1%" is an invalid environment attribute value.

SSP310: The database identifier "%1%" is not valid; it must be 8 characters or less.

SSP311: The %1% database template already exists.

SSP312: Error writing the environment record %1%.

SSP313: The database template exceeds 64K.

SSP314: The database template not found.

SSP320: User id "%1%" contains invalid character(s).

SSO321: Error writing the user record.

SSP322: Password must be between 6 and 20 characters.

SSP323: The user id is already registered - no overwrite specified.

SSP324: The user id was not found in the user record.

SSP325: The user id cannot be deleted or modified.

SSP326: User level %1% is not valid; User level should be from 0 to 2.

SSP327: The current user does not have access priveleges to this app.

SSP330: "%1%" is an invalid dictionary parameter.

SSP331: Error writing symbolic column.

SSP332: Open media failed on the following volume(s): %1%. Please redefine database after you login.

SSP333: Invalid sort path specified: %1%. Please redefine it.

SSP340: Dos file name and Dos File Extenstion TRUNCATED

SSP341: Dos file name TRUNCATED

SSP342: Dos File Extenstion TRUNCATED

SSP343: Dos File Name contained Invalid chars

SSP344: Invalid search method "%1%"

SSP601: Unable to lock column(s) %1% in row "%2%".

SSP602: %1% column(s) successfully locked.

SSP603: Unable to lock row "%1%".

SSP604: Row "%1%" successfully locked.

SSP605: Unable to lock table "%1%".

SSP606: Table "%1%" successfully locked.

SSP607: Invalid locktype "%1%".

SSP608: Unable to unlock column(s) %1% in row "%2%".

SSP609: %1% column(s) successfully unlocked.

SSP610: Unable to unlock row "%1%".

SSP611: Row "%1%" successfully unlocked.

SSP612: Unable to delete row(s) %1%; %2% row(s) deleted.

SSP613: %1% row(s) deleted.

SSP614: Row "%1%" deleted.

SSP615: Row "%1%" successfully written.

SSP616: %1% column(s) successfully written.

SSP617: %1% row(s) successfully copied.

SSP618: Unable to copy row(s) %1%. %2% row(s) copied.

SSP619: "%1%" is an invalid column.

SSP620: Write denied.

SSP621: All locks successfully unlocked.

SSP622: "%1%" is an invalid %2% option.

SSP623: Unable to read row(s) %1%; %2% row(s) read.

SSP624: %1% row(s) successfully read.

SSP625: Destination row/table %1% already exists.

SSP626: Destination row/table %1% does not exist.

SSP627: Converted row string size exceeds 65532 bytes.

SSP628: Unable to unlock table "%1%".

SSP629: Table "%1%" successfully unlocked.

SSP633: Required parameter missing.

SSP634: No Servers found

SSP700: Index type "%1%" is invalid.

SSP701: Index type "%2%" has not been created for column "%1%".

SSP702: Sort mode "%1%" is invalid.

SSP703: Index type "%2%" has already been created for column "%1%".

SSP704: Case mode "%1%" is invalid.

SSP705: Create mode "%1%" is invalid.

SSP706: Stop mode "%1%" is invalid.

SSP707: The related table "%1%" does not exist.

SSP708: Different sort modes "%1%" and "%2%" are not allowed for many-to-one relational indexes.

SSP709: Cannot create/delete index for table "%2%" belongs to a different database "%1%".

SSP710: Cannot create index for table "%1%" under a different account "%2%".

SSP711: Cannot create index for table "%1%" when it has a Quickdex/Rightdex on its dictionary.

SYS1000: Error loading program "%1%".

SYS1001: Null loading error.

SYS1002: The object code is invalid.

SYS1003: The maximum number of programs has been exceeded.

SYS1004: Error loading dictionary item "%1%".

SYS1005: Module "%1%" terminated due to runtime restrictions.

SYS1008: Invalid login null user name.

SYS1009: Invalid login user name.

SYS1010: Invalid login password.

SYS1100: The "%1%" event for "%2%" contains syntax errors.

SYS1101: Compiler error: Preprocessing error.

SYS1102: Compiler error: Source code exceeds maximum size for compiler.

SYS1103: Compiler error: Old tablename; record name format is not supported. Invalid $insert.

SYS1104: Compiler error: Module "%1%" Line "%2%" : Invalid $USES entity name[%3%]

SYS1105: Compiler error: Module "%1%" Line "%2%" : $INSERT access error [%3%]

SYS1106: Compiler error: Module "%1%" Line "%2%" : $INSERT circular reference error [$INSERT %3%]

SYS1107: Compiler error: Module "%1%" Line "%2%" : Unmatched compiler define condition

SYS1111: Compiler error: Contract must be before executable code

SYS1112: Compiler error: Contract BEGIN CONDITION is missing.

SYS1113: Compiler error: Contract END CONDITION is missing.

SYS1114: Compiler error: Contract contains multiple PRE: statements.

SYS1115: Compiler error: Contract contains multiple POST: statements.

SYS1116: Compiler error: Contract PRE: statement is missing.

SYS1117: Compiler error: Contract POST: statement is missing.

SYS1120: Compiler warning: Unassigned Variable "%1% on line: "%2%"

SYS1121: Compiler information: "%1% elapsed time "%2%" secs

SYS1122: Compiler warning: Variable "%1% on line "%2%" ends with "$"

SYS1123: Compiler warning: Equate "%1% on line "%2%" does not end with "$"

SYS1124: Compiler warning: Debug statement found

SYS1200: The process has been aborted.

SYS1201: This feature is not supported.

SYS1210: The procedure type is invalid.

SYS1211: A left parenthesis is missing.

SYS1212: A right parenthesis is missing.

SYS1213: The argument type is invalid.

SYS1214: An argument identifier is missing.

SYS1215: The compilation has failed.

SYS1216: Too many arguments have been passed.

SYS1217: A ROWDEF is missing in the routine.

SYS1220: The object code is missing.

SYS1221: The argument is invalid.

SYS1222: PutData has failed.

SYS1223: The stored procedure name is invalid.

SYS1224: The procedure cannot be overwritten.

SYS1230: SQL read error.

SYS1240: A comma or quote is missing in the script.

SYS1241: A matching quote is missing in the script.

SYS1242: The parameter number in the script is invalid.

SYS1243: The list is too deeply nested in brackets.

SYS1244: The script contains an invalid character.

SYS1245: A matching bracket is missing in the script.

SYS1300: Cannot detach or redefine table %1%.

SYS1301: Table was not found in volume rec table list.

SYS1302: Volume record for attached table is missing.

SYS1303: Table list in the volume record does not synch with the systables record.

SYS1500: Primary row locked: Table %1%, key %2%

SYS1501: Subsidiary row locked: Table %1% key %2%

SYS1502: Locks missing at update time

SYS1503: Form fetch denormalization beyond 2nd levels is not supported

SYS1901: Table list cannot be null.

SYS1913: Database record is missing in control table.

SYS1915: Alias with wrong table type.

SYS1916: Aliasing system tables is not allowed.

SYS1917: Alias table name cannot be null.

SYS1918: Renaming system tables is not allowed.

SYS1919: Renaming alias tables is not allowed.

SYS1920: Database record is missing.

SYS1980: Error opening structure definition table "%1%" [%2%]

SYS1981: Error reading structure definition for "%1%" [%2%]

B100: Line %1%. THEN/ELSE not terminated with END. Invalid keyword: %2%.

B101: Line %1%. Illegal Statement Termination: %2%

B102: Line %1%. Illegal Statement: %2%.

B103: Line %1%. Label %2% is missing.

B104: Line %1%. Label %2% is doubly defined.

B105: Line %1%. %2% has not been dimensioned or declared for use as a function or subroutine.

B106: Line %1%. Variable has been dimensioned and used without subscripts.

B108: Line %1%. FOR statement not terminated with "NEXT" keyword.

B113: Line %1%. Illegal expression encountered.

B114: Line %1%. Maximum number of variables exceeded.

B115: Line %1%. Label %2% is used before the EQUATE statement.

B120: Line %1%. Statements exist after final "END" statement. Check for unmatched conditionals.

B123: Line %1%. End of source reached with unmatched IF, ELSE, FOR, LOOP or CASE block.

B200: Line %1%. Input Error

B201: Line %1%. Unterminated conditional clause.

B202: Line %1%. Unterminated conditional clause.

B203: Line %1%. Illegal expression following logical %2% operator.

B204: Line %1%. Illegal expression following MATCHES operator.

B205: Line %1%. Illegal expression following comparison operator.

B206: Line %1%. Illegal expression following concatenation operator.

B207: Line %1%. Illegal expression following negation operator.

B208: Line %1%. Illegal expression following addition operator.

B209: Line %1%. Illegal expression following subtraction operator.

B210: Line %1%. Illegal expression following multiplication operator.

B211: Line %1%. Illegal expression following division operator.

B212: Line %1%. Illegal expression following power operator.

B213: Line %1%. Reserved keyword %2% encountered in expression.

B214: Line %1%. Right paren ")" missing.

B215: Line %1%. Right curly brace "}" missing.

B216: Line %1%. THEN keyword is required.

B217: Line %1%. Illegal expression following THEN.

B218: Line %1%. ELSE keyword is required.

B219: Line %1%. Illegal expression following ELSE.

B300: Line %1%. Generated object code exceeds 65535 bytes.

DBASE1: dBASE error; Primary status = %1%; Secondary status = %2%.

DBASE2: dBASE error %2%; Primary Status = %1%; Secondary status = %3%.

CHK100: Could not create directory %1%.

CHK101: Check-out status %1% cannot be processed.

CHK102: Could not create hot repository on %1%.

CHK103: Could not create cold repository on %1%.

CHK104: Volume %1% already exists. Repository could not be created.

CHK105: Invalid repository format %1%.

REP100: No method "%2%" exists for entity "%1".

REP101: At least two args required for methods.

REP102: Cannot forward message - no more parent class levels.

REP110: Cannot add entity "%1%" - it already exists.

REP111: Reference "%1%" is missing for "%2%" - referential error.

REP112: Reference "%1%" crosses application lines.

REP113: Invalid entity id "%1%".

REP117: Cannot add type - it already exists.

REP118: Cannot add type - it already exists.

REP119: User %1% does not have rights to perform operation %2% against entity %3%.

REP120: Inherited entity %1% cannot be modified.

REP121: Invalid flag option code %1%.

REP122: Invalid flag operator code.

REP123: Cannot find associated component %2% of entity %1%.

REP124: Message %2% is not supported by the entity type/class %1%.

REP125: App body missing in SYSAPPS.

REP126: Repository is being synchronized with the Database from another station.

REP127: Error copy entity %1% component %2% in checkout or extraction.

REP128: Illegal location token used on hot format checkout.

REP129: Cannot update associated component %2% of entity %1% (%3%).

REP130: Missing SYSREPOSCLASSES definition for entity %1% (%2%).

REP131: Missing SYSREPOSTYPES definition for entity %1% (%2%).

REP132: Error opening SYSREPOSTYPES table (%1%).

REP133: Error opening SYSREPOSCLASSES table (%1%).

REP134: Error creating MSScriptControl.ScriptControl (%1%).

REP135: Error adding code to Script Control (%1%).

REP136: Error running "%1%" function in Script Control (%2%).

REP137: %1% method for the %2% entity can only be executed in Event Context

REP138: %1% method for the %2% entity can only be executed with a running IDE

REP139: "%1%" is not a valid "%2%" parameter for the %3% method

REP140: No LOCATION defined for the %1% entity

REP141: No AppRow passed to the %1% method for the %2% entity

REP142: Unable to resolve the "%1%" quick event target for the "%2%" %3% event

REP190 Invalid REPFILTER definition passed to the %1% procedure

REP191 Invalid REPVIEW ID passed to the %1% procedure [%2%]

REP192 Empty REPVIEW passed to the the %1% procedure

REP200: No event found for controlid %1%, controlclass %2%, event %3%.

REP201: %1% is not a valid window name, or is not currently running.

REP300: Entity %1% does not exist.


REP305: Window Executable %1% was not found in this application.

REP310: Compilation error: join information for table "%1%" has not been specified for the form.

REP311: Compilation error: The column %2% is not found in table %1%.

REP312: Compilation error: The join control %1% is not found in the form.

REP313: Menu compilation error: nesting error.

REP314: Incomplete Key: No control for key part %1%

REP315: Compilation error: Commuter Module has not been defined for the form


REP500: Winexec Error #%1%.

REP510: The "Date From" cannot be after the "Date To".

REP700: OIEVENT must have a super-control ( entid %1%).

REP701: POEVENT need to have entitid same.

REP703: Invalid classid as token.

REP800: Entity %1% locked by another session and could not be locked.

REP801: Entity %1% is already locked by this session.

REP802: Entity %1% is checked out by %2% and could not be locked.

REP803: Entity %1% is checked out by the current user.

REP804: Remote entity %1% locked by another session and could not be locked.

REP805: Remote entity %1% is already locked by this session.

REP806: Remote entity %1% is checked out by %2% and could not be locked.

REP807: Remote entity %1% is checked out by current user.

REP900: Error creating mirror file %1%.

REP901: Error deleting mirror file %1%.

REP902: A repository mirror file exists at location %1%.

REP903: A repository mirror is already installed in this system.

REP904: A repository mirror is not installed in this system.

REP905: Row "%1%" shows differences.

REP906: The repository is in a state of error. Access is denied until a system administrator remedies the error condition.

REP932: There are no records meeting this criteria

REP933: The selection criteria is invalid

RIX100: Error reading primary node for the "%1%" Repository Index

RIX101: Value "%2%" missing from the "%1%" Repository Index node

POP101: Table %1% does not exist.

POP102: Field %1% set to null when a value expected.

POP103: Invalid key %1% in table %2%.

POP104: Mode %1% is incompatible with type %2%.

POP105: Type %1% is invalid.

POP106: Mode %1% is invalid.

POP107: Dictionary does not exist for table %1%.

POP108: Non-numeric field name %1% in format argument not allowed with mode F.

POP109: Format argument not allowed to be null.

POP110: Error inserting the "%1%" column.

POP111: "%1%" is not a valid custom button procedure [%2%]

POP112: The "%1%" custom button procedure must accept at least one argument

POP113: "%1%" is not a valid initialization procedure [%2%]

POP114: The "%1%" initialization procedure must accept at least two arguments

DS101: Duplicate column or argument name "%1%"

DS102: Invalid data type "%1%"

DS103: Invalid or incomplete column definition for column %1%

MSG101: Out of memory, or could not create MSG Dialog Box.

MSG102: One or more parameters were invalid, or @fm's found in text.

IDX101: Dictionary does not exist for table %1%.

IDX102: Table %1% does not exist.

X100: MFS list set to null when a list expected.

X101: Invalid action code for SET_MFS.

X103: Position error for %1%.

X104: %1% does not exist in the table.

X105: %1% object code does not exist in the SYSOBJ table.

X106: %1% already exists on the table.

X107: Adding DICT.MFS to a non-dictoinary table is not allowed.

X108: Adding PROTECT.MFS to dictionary table is not allowed.

PING101: Error in IP Address %1%

PING104: Error - Invalid host

PING105: Error - Destination host

SOCK101: Unable to create socket / detect socket layer

SOCK102: Unable to resolve host DNS entry

SOCK103: Couldn't get IP address type of host

SOCK104: Couldn't create socket

SOCK105: Unable to connect to ipaddress

SOCK106: Couldn't create server socket

EV100: Unknown Event Handler error

EV101: Required Error

EV102: Validation Error

EV103: Form Read Error

EV104: Form Read Sub Error

EV105: Null Key Error

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/chapter_reverror.dat_file.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/08/27 08:52
  • by