
CREATE event

Occurs as a window begins execution.

bforward = CREATE(ctrlentID, ctrlclassID, createparam)

CREATE accepts arguments for the following parameters.

ctrlentIDHas the format WindowName.ControlName, where WindowName is the identifier of the window that contains the affected control, and ControlName is the identifier of the control. Notice that a period separates the two values.
ctrlclassIDThe type of control that recognizes the event. The window control type is the only valid entry.
createparamData to be passed to the window being executed.

True or false. If false, the program execution returns to the calling procedure. If true, the event processing goes to the next level.

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/create_event.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
  • by