
ELLIPSE Set_Printer Message

The ELLIPSE message is used to print an ellipse at a specific location on the page using the current line and fill styles. The line and fill styles are set with the LINESTYLE and FILLSTYLE messages.

The Start and End parameters are used to print a pie wedge. The Start and End parameters use degrees to determine the start and end of the arc for the pie wedge. The "3 o-clock" position is 0 degrees, and the degrees increase to 360 counterclockwise. The Start and End must be between 0 and 360. The Repeat parameter is used to print the ellipse on every page.

Description of Fields
Parm1 - Location
<1> X1
Starting X position

<2> Y1
Starting Y position

<3> X2
Ending X position

<4> Y2
Ending Y position

<5> Start
Starting arc degree

<6> End
Ending arc degree
Parm2 - Repeat
<1> Repeat on all pages
0=Current page only

Print on all pages

* The following example shows how to use the ELLIPSE message to print a two inch circle on every page.

declare function Set_Printer
stat = Set_Printer("INIT") ;* Start printing
Print the ellipse on every page
stat = Set_Printer("ELLIPSE",1:@fm:1:@fm:3:@fm:3, 1)
stat = Set_Printer("TERM") ;* End printing

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/ellipse_set_printer_message.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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