
Exec_Method function

Executes a method for a specified object.

Value = Exec_Method( Object, Method, Param1, Param2, Param3, … Param12 )

ObjectYesIdentifier of the object to access. Must be in upper-case.
MethodYesName of the method to execute. Must be in upper-case.
Param1 - Param12NoParameters to be passed to the method. Up to 12 parameters may be used.

The return value is method dependent. If an invalid object or method name is specified then an empty string (null) is returned. No error condition is flagged.


Methods can also be invoked from an objects EXECMETHOD property.

// Call the SYSTEM DESTROY method to destroy a the EDL_NAME control

   Call Exec_Method( "SYSTEM", "DESTROY", @Window : ".EDL_NAME" )


   // Call the LISTBOX INSERT method to append an item to a list box

   // control called LST_ITEMS

   Call Exec_Method( @Window : ".LST_ITEMS", "INSERT", -1, "Item Twelve" )


  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/exec_method.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 14:59
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