Get_Repos_Entities function
Returns a list of all entities classified under the specified application, type, and class.
entlistt = Get_Repos_Entities(appID, typeID, classID, Integer [getflags] [, expand] [, remote] [, moreinfo])
The Get_Repos_Entities function has the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
AppID | Application identifier. If the parameter is null, the current application and its inheritance chain are included. |
TypeID | Types defined for OpenInsight. typeID Description APPNOTE - QuickHelp entities. APPROW - This is a catch-all for rows in the application database tables which need to be tracked for impact analysis and/or deployment reasons. CONTEXTMENU - Window controls Context Menus. DATASOURCE - A collection of DBComponents. DBCOLUMN - Database table column. DBCOMPONENT - A logical collection of properties that define a view of user data. OpenInsight views Lotus Notes forms and views as DBComponents. Datasets created using the C/S Workspace are also DBComponents. DBCOMPONENTEXE - The compiled versions of the Dataset DBComponent. DBTABLE - Database table. DLL - Windows .DLL file. DOC - Document file, in one of specified classes. IMAGE - File of image data (.BMP, .ICO, etc.). MSG - Prepared application system message. NOTESMMEDIA - Lotus provided tools used to generate multimedia records. There are no classes. This type behaves exactly as the WINEXE entity type. NOTESSMART - Lotus provided SmartSuite tools used to generate documents (AmiPro), spreadsheets (Lotus 1-2-3), etc. There are no classes. This type behaves exactly as the WINEXE entity type. OCX - OLE Custom Controls. OIEVENT - OpenInsight Event Handler source code. The class id for each OIEVENT are the Event name. e.g. CLICK, OPTIONS, READ, WRITE. OIEVENTDBG - Symbol table, for event handlers. The class id for each OIEVENT are the Event name. e.g. CLICK, OPTIONS, READ, WRITE. OIEVENTEXE - Executable version of an event handler. The class id for each OIEVENT are the Event name. e.g. CLICK, OPTIONS, READ, WRITE. OIREPORT - Report from OpenInsight Report Builder. OIWIN - Code form of an OpenInsight window. OIWINEXE - Executable form of an OpenInsight window. OSFILE - Operating system file. POPUP - Executable form of an OpenInsight popup. STPROC - Stored procedure, code. STPROCDBG - Symbol table, for stored procedure. STPROCEXE - Executable stored procedure. STPROCINS - Insert table, for stored procedure code. WINEXE - Windows .EXE file. WINHELP - Windows Help file. XML |
classID | classIDs for DATASOURCE: CONNECTION is a set of attributes used to connect to Client/Server data. NOTESDB is a Lotus Notes database). classIDs for DBCOMPONENT: DATASET is a data model used to work with Client/Server Data. NOTESAGENT is a registered Lotus Notes V4.0 agent. NOTESFOLDER is a registered Lotus Notes V4.0 folder. NOTESFORM is a registered Lotus Notes form. NOTESMACRO is a registered Lotus Notes V3.0 maro. NOTESVIEW is a registered Lotus Notes database view. classIDs for DBCOMPONENTEXE: DATASET classIDs for DOC: The class id is the name of the Windows executable used to access the document. Provided class IDs are: AMIPRO CSS HTML NOTEPAD WINWORD WP WRITE New document classes can be added by simply adding to the SYSREPOSCLASSES table. The DOC type-level method logic will automatically call the related program. classIDs for IMAGE: BMP (bitmap). ICO (icon). classIDs for OIREPORT: BRWLAYOUT (Banded Report Writer layout). RBLAYOUT (Report Builder report layout). RBLABEL (Report Builder label layout). RDLAYOUT (Report Designer report layout). RDQUERY (Report Designer query). |
getflags | The default is false. If set to true, returns repository entities along with flags in an @SVM-delimited array of literals: Value - Description S1 - State 1. S0 - State 0. E - Evaluate. R - Recompile. C - Checked-out. |
expand | The default is true. If set to false, returns only entity names (as opposed to fully qualified entity identifiers). |
remote | The default is false. If set to true uses remote (check-out) repository. |
moreinfo | Used when the list exceeds 64K. Set in calling procedure the first time call is made, then used internally by Get_Repos_Entities to control which 64K block of the list is retrieved. When the full list has been retrieved, set to null. (See the example below.) Note: This parameter is obsolete in OpenInsight versions 4 and above. Pass a null value to this parameter. The 64k limit has been removed. |
See Also
* Count the number of OpenInsight windows in the current application. Declare Function Get_Repos_Entities AppID = @APPID<1> ;* current application TypeID = "OIWIN" ;* OpenInsight Windows ClassID = "" ;* Not Applicable MoreInfo = "" SubList = Get_Repos_Entities(AppID, TypeID, ClassID, "", "", "", "") numEntities = dCount(SubList, @fm) * Count the number of OpenInsight windows in the current application, * as well as the applications it has been inherited from. AppID = "" TypeID = "OIWIN" ;* OpenInsight Windows ClassID = "" ;* Not Applicable MoreInfo = "" SubList = Get_Repos_Entities(AppID, TypeID, ClassID, "", "", "", "") numEntities = dCount(SubList, @fm) * For use with 16-bit systems Declare Function Get_Repos_Entities AppID = @APPID<1> ;* current application TypeID = "OIWIN" ;* OpenInsight Windows ClassID = "" ;* Not Applicable MoreInfo = 1 CNT = 0 Loop SubList = Get_Repos_Entities(AppID, TypeID, ClassID, "", "", "", MoreInfo) If Len(SubList) Then CNT = (SubList, @FM) +1 End While Len(MoreInfo) Repeat