IConv function

Converts data into the native internal OpenInsight format.

Note: In addition to the standard input conversions documented in this chapter, customized input conversions can also be written. See User-Defined Conversions.

internal = IConv(string, conversion)

The IConv function has the following parameters.

StringThe value of string is the data to be converted to internal system format.

String can specify a dynamic array using field marks (ASCII character 254), value marks (ASCII character 253), subvalue marks (ASCII character 252), or text marks (ASCII character 251) as delimiters.
ConversionIdentifies the type of data conversion that you want to perform on string.

If conversion is a literal value, you must put it in quotation marks. If conversion is a variable, do not enclose it in quotation marks.

After executing an IConv conversion, you can determine the success of the conversion by checking the value of Status(). Possible values of Status() are:

0Successful conversion.
1The data in string cannot be converted using conversion.
2conversion is not a recognized conversion specification.
* Converts 100.00 to 10000, and assigns the value to X.
X = IConv(100.00, "MD2")

/* Converts January 28, 2009 to internal date format, 15004, and assigns that value to D. */
D = IConv("1-28-09", "D")

/* Converts 1:00 PM to internal time format, 46800, and assigns that value to T. */
T = IConv("1:00PM", "MT")
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