Inet_Repos function

Retrieves an HTML document from the repository.

return = Inet_Repos(Request)

The Inet_Repos() function has the following parameters:

Request[in] HTTP-request that carries the following parameters:

Parameters Description
DOC_ID - Repository name of a document to retrieve.
DOC_TYPE - Repository TYPE*CLASS of a document to retrieve (defaulted to DOC*HTML). Optional, if an HTML document is desired.

Repository document in HTML format (as a result of the GETHTML method execution), suitable for displaying in a Web browser window.

To display an HTML document, registered in the Repository as HRM, which points to an HTML page, enter a URL similar to the following:
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/inet_repos.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
  • by