Insert function

Insert a field, value, or subvalue into a dynamic array.

new_array = Insert(string, field, value, subvalue, new)

The Insert function has the following parameters.

Parameter Description
String string designates the dynamic array that is to be searched. This parameter is not modified.
field, value, subvalue The second, third, and fourth expressions are delimiters. Their respective numeric values determine whether the new data is inserted as a field, a value, or a subvalue.
new The data to insert

For instance, this example statement:

F = Insert(A, 2, 0, 0, NEW)

inserts NEW as a field. When both the value and subvalue are 0 (zero), the new data is inserted before the second field (specified by the field) of dynamic array A. F is assigned the new array.

This example:

V = Insert(A, 2, 3, 0, NEW)

inserts NEW as a value. When only the subvalue is 0 (zero), the new data is inserted before the third value of the second field (specified by the value) of dynamic array A. V is assigned the new entire array.

This example:

S = Insert(A, 2, 3, 1, NEW)

inserts NEW as a subvalue. When all three delimiter expressions have a non-zero value, the new data is inserted before the first subvalue of the second value of the third field (specified by the subvalue) of dynamic array A. S is assigned the new array.

If the second, third, or fourth expression has a -1 (minus one) value, the new data is inserted after the specified field, value, or subvalue delimiter. For example:

F = Insert(A, -1, 0, 0, NEW)

appends NEW as a field to the end of the array.

The field is the highest level delimiter while subvalue is the lowest level delimiter. If a higher level delimiter has a 0 (zero) value while a lower level delimiter has a non-zero value, the zero delimiter is assumed to be 1 (one). As in this example:

S=Insert(A, 0, 0, 2, B)

is assumed to be

S=Insert(A, 1, 1, 2, B)

X = "A,B,C"
Convert ',' to @FM in X
Y = Insert(X, -1,0,0,"D")
Convert @FM to ',' in Y
/* Result:
Y = "A,B,C,D" */

X = "A,B,D"
Convert ',' to @VM In X
Y = Insert(X, 1,3,0,'C')
Convert @VM to ',' in Y
/* Result:
Y = "A,B,C,D" */
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  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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