Replace function

Replaces a field, a value, or a subvalue, in a dynamic array.

Replace(expression, field, value, subvalue, new)

The Replace function has the following parameters.

expressionDesignates the dynamic array that is to be searched. The expression is not modified by the Replace function.
field, value, subvalueThese values specify the location within the array to replace. Their respective numeric values determine whether the new data will replace a field, a value, or a subvalue. Note these examples:

F = Replace(A,2,0,0,NEW)

This example replaces a field. When both the value and subvalue are 0 (zero), the new data replaces the second field (specified by the field argument) of dynamic array A. The variable F is assigned the new array.

V = Replace(A,2,3,0,NEW)

This example replaces a value. When only the subvalue is 0 (zero), the new data replaces the third value of the second field (specified by the field and value arguments) of dynamic array A. The variable V is assigned the new array.

S = Replace(A,3,2,1,NEW)

This example replaces a subvalue. When all three delimiter expressions have a non-zero value, the new data replaces the first subvalue of the second value of the third field (specified by the field, value, and subvalue arguments) of dynamic array A. S is assigned the new array.

Field is the highest level delimiter, while subvalue is the lowest level delimiter. If a higher level delimiter has a 0 (zero) value while a lower level delimiter has a non-zero value, the 0 (zero) delimiter is assumed to be 1 (one). In the following example:

Replace(A,0,0,2,B) is assumed to be: Replace(A,1,1,2,B)

If the second, third, or fourth expression has a -1 (minus one) value, the new data is appended after the specified field, value, or subvalue.
Newnew specifies the new data that is to replace the existing contents.

Replace is identical to using < >.

/* The program builds an array (field mark-delimited) of names. The program searches the name array, and replaces the old name with the new name. */

* multi-valued field with 4 names
Names = "Alan": @FM : "Brad": @FM : "Hal": @FM : "Mike"
New_name = "Darcie"
Locate NAME_TO_CHANGE In Names Using @FM Setting Pos Then
  NEW_NAMES = Replace(Names, Pos, 0, 0, NEW_NAME)
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/replace.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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