Provides the set of methods to manage OS directories.

SuccessFlag = RTI_OS_Dir( Method, Param1, Param2 )

Name RequiredDescription
MethodYes A string specifying the management function to execute. Can be one of the following (case-sensitive):


See the Methods section below for details on each method.
Param1Maybe Method-dependent parameter. See below for details.
Param2Maybe Method-dependant parameter. See below for details.

The return value depends on the method. Most methods return TRUE$ if successful, or FALSE$ otherwise (See below). Error details are always returned via the Set_Status() stored procedure.

COPYDIR method

This method copies a directory to a new location. It expects two parameters:

Param1Fully qualified path of the directory to copy.
Param2Fully qualified path of the location to copy the directory to.

The COPYDIR method returns TRUE$ if the directory was copied successfully, or FALSE$ otherwise. Errors are returned via Set_Status().


This method checks to see if a directory exists. It expects one parameter:

Param1Fully qualified path of the directory to check.

The DIREXISTS method returns TRUE$ if the directory exists, or FALSE$ otherwise. Errors are returned via Set_Status().


This method returns the path of the system temporary directory. It expects no parameters and Errors are returned via Set_Status().

MAKEDIR method

This method creates a directory. The method recurses to create subdirectories as needed. It expects one parameter:

Param1Fully qualified path of the directory to create.

The MAKEDIR method returns TRUE$ if the directory is created, or FALSE$ otherwise. Errors are returned via Set_Status().

MOVEDIR method

This method moves a directory to a new location. It expects two parameters:

Param1Fully qualified path of the directory to move.
Param2Fully qualified path of the location to move the directory to.

The MOVEDIR method returns TRUE$ if the directory was moved successfully, or FALSE$ otherwise. Errors are returned via Set_Status().


This method removes a directory. It expects one parameter:

Param1Fully qualified path of the directory to remove.

The REMOVEDIR method returns TRUE$ if the directory is removed, or FALSE$ otherwise. Errors are returned via Set_Status().


This method renames a directory. It expects two parameters:

Param1Fully qualified path of the directory to rename.
Param2Fully qualified path of the new directory name.

The RENAMEDIR method returns TRUE$ if the directory was renamed successfully, or FALSE$ otherwise. Errors are returned via Set_Status().

All of the methods in this stored procedure can be executed outside of Event Context. When managing directories from within Event Context then consider using the FILESYSTEM object instead.

 // Example use of RTI_OS_DIR methods//
 Declare Function RTI_OS_Dir
 $Insert RTI_SSP_Equates
 // Use the MAKEDIR method to create a directory //
 DirName = "c:\my_data\aug_2017"
 Call Set_Status( SETSTAT_OK$ )
 If RTI_OS_Dir( "MAKEDIR", DirName ) Then
    // It's there - Process the directory ...//
 End Else
    // Failed//
    Call Get_Status( ErrText )
 // Use the COPYDIR method to copy a directory //
 DirFrom = "c:\my_data\aug_2017"
 DirTo   = "c:\my_data\backup\aug_2017"
 Call Set_Status( SETSTAT_OK$ )
 If RTI_OS_Dir( "COPYDIR", DirFrom, DirTo ) Then
    // Copied OK//
 End Else
    // Failed//
    Call Get_Status( ErrText )

FILESYSTEM object, IsEventContext, GET_STATUS(), SET_STATUS() stored procedures.

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/rti_os_dir.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/10/25 12:46
  • by bshumsky