Send_Message function (deprecated in OI 10)

Requests a specific action from a form or control.

The Send_Message function has been deprecated in OpenInsight 10, however it still works as it ever has. It has been replaced by a new function named Exec_Method which exposes the same interface as Send_Message, and it also supports more than four parameters. It is a drop-in replacement when you need to use it.

This was done for several reasons:

* When talking about object-based systems the usual jargon includes references to properties, methods and events. However with OpenInsight we have always used the term "messages" when referring to an object's methods because of the Send_Message function. We thought it was about time to use more standard terminology, like we do with the Basic+ OleExecMethod function for example.

* Send_Message is very close to the name of the core Windows API SendMessage function and sometimes it is just too confusing trying to explain which one you actually mean when you are discussing how to manipulate an object.

response = Send_Message(controlID, message, param1, param2, param3, param4)

controlID is the fully qualified name of the form or control.

Choose a message from the following list.

TextThe text to display in the status line or System Monitor.
Number of characters in an edit table column.COLCHARS
Label of the specified edit table column.COLLABEL
Set the background color, foreground color, selected background color, and/or selected foreground color, for a specified cell in an edit table.COLOR_BY_POS
Styles, of edit table columns.COLSTYLE
Widths of edit table columns.COLWIDTH
Copies the current selection from an edit control or combo box to the clipboard.COPY
Deletes (cuts) the current selection from an edit control or combo box and copies the deleted text to the clipboard.CUT
Deletes a row in a Combo box, edit table, and list box.DELETE
Deletes an item from a visible or non-visible part of a (hierarchical) list.DELETE_EX
Delete an edit table column.DELETECOL
Expands or collapses hierarchical list box.EXPAND
Used to search for text within an edit box control.FINDTEXT
Font for text of specified item.FONT_BY_POS
Used to retrieve selected text’s character format within an edit box control.GETCHARFORMAT
Insert new row or rows into list box, edit table, etc.INSERT
Insert new item or items into a visible or non-visible part of a (hierarchical) list.INSERT_EX
Inserts column into an edit table.INSERTCOL
Arranges MDI child windows in cascaded format.MDICASCADE
Arranges minimized MDI child windows.MDIICONARRANGE
Arranges MDI child windows in tiled format.MDITILE
Moves rows within an edit table control.MOVE_ROW
Inserts data from the clipboard at the current cursor position.PASTE
Determines the cell, within an edit table, that the mouse cursor is over.POS_BY_CURSOR
Position of a list item.POS_BY_TEXT
Enable or disable events for specified control.QUALIFY_EVENT
Used to ensure that controls are placed properly into the Z order when created.RESETZORDER
Set or retrieve the height of all rows in an edit table control.ROWHEIGHT
Scroll a window.SCROLL
Position of a non-visible list item in a hierarchical list.SELPOS_EX_BY_POS
Used to set selected text’s character format within an edit box control.SETCHARFORMAT
Text of a list item.TEXT_BY_POS
Undoes the previous operation.UNDO
Updates the image of an item in a list box with bitmaps.UPDATE
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/send_message.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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