
Set_Dialog_Params function

Caution: This function is obsolete. Use the Set_Dialog_Info function instead.

Replaces any dialog-specific parameter data with new values.

previousparams = Set_Dialog_Params(dialogname, params, parent)

The Set_Dialog_Params function has the following parameters.

DialognameSpecify a valid window identifier. Must already exist in the system repository.
ParamsNew values for a previously existing dialog box.

Each dialog box can be passed, and can return, a data structure called dbparamsblock. This three-field structure is as follows.

Field - Value: Description
Initialparameters - 1: Can have been set by either Dialog_Box or Create_Dialog. Use, for example, to set default values. Is passed to any CREATE event handler.
ownparameters - 2: Use for reflecting user preferences.
outparameters - 3: Filled, by End_Dialog, as the dialog box is destroyed. Use, to return values to the calling procedure, as well as to preserve, in dbparamsblock.
ParentPass the identifier of the parent for the dialog box specified in DialogName. If null, OpenInsight will determine that value, with a call to Get_Property.

The data structure is intended for:

* establishing initial, default values;

* preserving values, as, for example, for user preferences;returning values to a calling procedure.

* How you structure this data block, and how you use it, is entirely up to you.

The value of dbparamsblock data is limited to 64K, which includes any system delimiters. This limit applies to the total for all dialog boxes that are running, and that are associated with the specified parent.

An @FM-delimited array of values pertaining to this dialog box, as those values existed before Set_Dialog_Params set any new values.

  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/set_dialog_params.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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