Set_FSError function

Sets a filing system error to be retrieved by the caller.

status = Set_FSError()

Status will always be 0 (success).

You can use Set_FSError to return filing system errors to the caller. Refer to Set_Status, which incorporates Set_FSError, and provides a more generic error handling method.

Set_FSError transfers the error status of the system variable @FILE_ERROR to the stored procedure status. Any error arguments present at @FILE_ERROR are also returned.

*---- @FILE.ERROR field structure -------


Equate FSCODE$   To 1   ;*error or status code identifier

Equate FSMSG$    To 2   ;*error message data

Equate FSDETAIL$ To 3   ;*file system dependent detail data



status = Set_FSError()


  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/set_fserror.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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