Space function

Generates a string value containing a specified number of blank spaces. Use Space to provide a particular number of spaces between any two strings.

string = Space(expression)

The Space function has the following parameters.

expressionMust be a numeric value.

If the expression evaluates to less than 0 (zero), the results are the same as 0.
* give_me is given a string value containing 12 blank spaces.

blanks = 12
give_me = Space(blanks)

/* Assigns the concatenated string to the variable identifier N. This would read "^^^^JANE^^^^E.^^^^DOE" (the ^ represents blank spaces). */

S = Space(4)
L = "DOE"
M = "E."
F = "JANE"
N = S:F:S:M:S:L

/* Each of the elements of the array TABLE is assigned a string value containing 10 blank spaces. */

Dim TABLE(12)
Mat TABLE = Space(10)
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/space.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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