TCOPY Method
Method for copying entities and entities used by the entity. Entities used by the window (such as code in window events), are copied. This contrasts with the COPY method, which only copies the entity.
retval = Repository('TCOPY', entID, destination, source)
The COPY message has the following parameters
Parameter | Description |
Message | 'TCOPY' |
destination | The name of the entity to be created from the copy. The name should be the fully qualified repository id. |
source | The entity that will be copied. The name should be the fully qualified repository id. |
Use Get_Status() to test for error return.
Note: Always call the Get_Status function after calling Repository().
The fully qualified Repository Id consists of four elements, which are '*' (asterisk) delimited:
* Application name
* Type ID
* Class ID
* Entity name
Methods are executed as follows: if class specific, execute at the class level; if type specific, execute at the type level; otherwise, execute the method.
See Also
Repository() function, COPY Method, TCOMPILE Method, Get_Repos_Entities(). Also, Stored Procedures chapter in the Guide to Application Development.
//* Copy the window BTREEREADTEST to BTREEREADBACKUP */ /* NOTE: The code behind control events is copied, as contrasted with the COPY method, which only copies the window. */ debug Declare Function Get_Repos_Entities, Repository, Get_Status AppID = @APPID<1> ;* current application TypeID = "OIWIN" ;* OpenInsight window ClassID = "" ;* Not Applicable Stored_Proc_Name = 'BTREEREADTEST' Backup_Proc_Name = 'BTREEREADTEST_BACKUP' entid = AppID : '*' : TypeID : '*' : ClassID : '*' : Stored_Proc_Name backupid = AppID : '*' : TypeID : '*' : ClassID : '*' : Backup_Proc_Name result = Repository("TCOPY", backupid, entid) * test result If Get_Status(ErrCode) then call msg(@window, 'Error Message returned: ' : ErrCode) end