Write_Row routine

Writes one row to a specified table.

Write_Row(tablename, key, columnvaluelist, lockflag)

The Write_Row routine has the following parameter.

TablenameSpecifies the name of the table to which to write a row.
KeyThe name of the key in tablename to which to write information.
columnvaluelistList of values to write to a row in tablename. Each value is written to a column. key and columnvaluelist create a row in the table.
Lockflaglockflag - Description
0 - No locking takes place.
1 - Row is locked prior to write and is unlocked immediately following.
2 - Row unlocked after write operation.
/* Writes row 1 to the CAR_ORDERS table. The ORDER_NUM is 30, the SUPP_NO is B10, the DATE_ORD is 10/20/90, and the TOTAL_PRICE is $23.50. The row is unlocked after the write operation. */

columnvaluelist = "30":@FM:"B10":@FM:"10/20/90":@FM:"23.50"

Write_Row("CAR_ORDERS", "1", columnvaluelist, 2)

if Get_Status(ErrCodes) then
  GoSub ErrorHandling
  • guides/programming/programmers_reference_manual/write_row.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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