Comparison Operators (Functions/Subroutines/Programs)

Description Use comparison operators to compare to values or expressions.

Syntax expression operator expression

Remarks The following table describes the available comparison operators in Basic+:

Operator Description
= or EQ Equal
# or NE Not equal
< or LT Less than
⇐ or LE Less than or equal
> or GT Greater than
>= or GE Greater than or equal
_EQC Equal, case-insensitive
_NEC Not equal, case-insensitive
_LTC Less than, case-insensitive
_LEC Less than or equal, case-insensitive
_GTC Greater than, case-insensitive
_GEC Greater than or equal, case-insensitive
MATCH or MATCHESTests if the expression on the left matches the pattern on the right

Return value All comparison operations result in a boolean value of either 1 (true) or 0 (false).

See Also If statement, Loop statement, MATCHES operator


if "hello" _NEC "HELLO" then

Msg(@window, "There is something very wrong")


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