Running multiple reports using Revelation Reporter (Functions/Subroutines/Programs,Reporting and Printing)

The Revelation Reporter uses OpenEngine to access all non-ODBC data, including Linear Hash tables.  This presents a problem if the Reporter is called multiple times from a Basic+ script, since OpenEngine will be executing the Basic+ script when Reporter needs to use OpenEngine to access data.  To work around the blocking effect, the Basic+ script must complete, then the Reporter must execute the report, then the Basic+ script must be instructed to run the next report.  Using the call-back feature in Utility("RUNWIN"), this sample code shows how to sequentially run multiple reports using the Revelation Reporter.


This check-out contains the following items:

Window (source and executable):  REVRPT


Procedure (source, debug, and executable):  REVRPT


Note:  There are no events on the REVRPT window; instead, it uses QuickEvents to call the REVRPT procedure, passing an instruction identifier.  See the description of the example, below.


Here is how the RevRpt example works:

1.     Using a Basic+ script (e.g. an event script), you call the REVRPT procedure passing CMD_RUNRPT$ (defined in REVRPT_EQUATES) and an @fm-delimited list of reports to execute.

2.     The REVRPT procedure (in Execute:), saves the list of reports to run in a labelled common (named global) variable.

3.     The REVRPT procedure (in Execute:), starts the REVRPT window, which displays which report is currently running to the user.

4.     The CREATE event on the REVRPT window uses a QuickEvent to call the REVRPT procedure passing CMD_CREATE$

5.     The REVRPT procedure (in Create:), calls the REVRPT procedure (itself) passing CMD_NEXT$, in order to print the first report.

6.     The REVRPT procedure (in ExecNext:), calls Utility("RUNWIN") to execute the reporter, specifying that when the Reporter is finished, REVRPT should be called back with CMD_NEXT$ (to run the next report).


The source for the REVRPT procedure can be viewed on-line by clicking on the following icon:  {{kb0076_2.png}} 

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