Revelation NLM for Advanced Revelation Users (Network Compatibility,Operating System Compatibility)
Created at 25 MAR 1997 01:28PM
Windows NT does not unload the LHIPXTSR.EXE properly when using Advanced Revelation while running on a Novell server with the Revelation NLM installed. What will happen is the Advanced Revelation application will hang when you log out and will not bring you back into Windows NT. To fix this, you can create a batch file that you can call from your shortcut or PIF that will force the lhipxtsr.exe to unload itself before going back into Windows. Here is what it should look like:
x:\arev\lhipxtsr.exe /p
x:\arev\arev.exe /x /m4096
x:\arev\lhipxtsr.exe /u
(where x:\arev is the drive letter and path where you have placed your Advanced Revelation application)