Check NLM in OpenInsight (Network Compatibility)
Created at 07 OCT 1997 03:59PM
In the NLM installation documentation there is a sample R/Basic program to run for Advanced Revelation to check whether or not the NLM has control of the VOC file. Here is a Basic+ program to perform the same operation in OpenInsight:
Compile Subroutine CheckNLM(Void)
open 'SYSTABLES' to hTable else
Read Record from hTable , 'SYSOBJ' else
If Index(Record , 'FFFFFF' , 1 ) Else
MsgTxt = "The SYSOBJ table is NOT under the NLM's control. "
MsgTxt := "Please contact your SYSADMIN "
MsgTxt<4> = "H"
MsgTxt<12> = "NLM Error"
Call msg("" , Msgtxt)
Once entered into the system editor and compiled this should be entered into the SYSENV table in the ENV_APPID (where APPID is the name of your application) in the 32nd field, or on the CREATE event of the main application window. If this fails you can then log the user out of the application. If desired using the UTILITY function.
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