Using the Yield() Subroutine (Functions/Subroutines/Programs)
Created at 15 SEP 1997 03:44PM
Yield() is designed to allow users to cancel out of loops that may take a long time to generate. For example: Looping through a table that has a large number of records can take quite a long period of time to generate. Yield() will allow you to cancel the process and proceed with the rest of the program.
Yield() is not a function that you pass parameters to. It actually checks the queue for events that need to be processed.
**This routine starts a form that was made in form designer that has only a cancel button on it. The button s only function is to close the form. Next the routine is going through a loop 500 times and checking to see if the form still exists. **Start the cancel window** dlg = Start_Window( CANCELWIN , , , , ) for x = 1 to 500 YIELD() **Checking to see if the window was closed** IF Get_Property(dlg, 'HANDLE') THEN x = x + 1 END next x This example is in a very simple form and can be used in much more complex and larger programs.