Uploading files via a web browser to OpenInsight using OECGI2 (Web)
Created at 14 MAR 2008 11:20AM
You can upload files via a web browser to your OpenInsight application via OECGI2.
There are two registry settings that control file uploads.
FileMode There are 3 possible settings:
0 = File Uploading is disabled.
1 = upload file to the directory specified in FilePath
2 = upload file to the directory specified in FilePath, and delete it when
the OECGI2 request is completed.
3 = upload the filedirectly to OpenInsight. You can only upload textfiles
(text,csv, xml, html etc) via this mode. It does not support binary files
like images or pdf s. Use mode 1 or 2 for binary file types.
Note: For modes 1 & 2, OECGI2 will assign a temporary filename to the
file physically located in the FilePath.The name of the temporary file will
be passed to OpenInsight in therequest string and accessible via
Note3: OECGI2 also adds an input tag of the form <filetag>.length(in
this example, myfilename.length)to pass you the size of the uploaded file.
FilePath The directory where the file will be uploaded for modes 1 & 2. This path
is relative to the directory where OECGI2.EXE is located.
Example 1:
OECGI2.EXE is located inc:\inetpub\scripts
FilePath is set to upload\
In this scenario OECGI2will upload the file to c:\inetpub\scripts\upload
Example 2:
OECGI2.EXE is located inc:\inetpub\scripts
FilePath is set to \upload\
In this scenario OECGI2will upload the file to c:\inetpub\upload
Note1: You must add a backslash \ to the end of the FilePath setting.
Note2: You must enable write permissions to the upload directory
specified in FilePath
Note3: FilePath is ignored when FileMode is set to 3
Here is an example of the registry settings for:
FileMode = 2
FilePath =\upload\
These settings will upload a file to the c:\inetpub\upload directory on the webserver
and will delete the file once your inet procedure has completed.
Below is an example HTML page which will upload a file to OpenInsightvia
OECGI2. File uploads in HTML are handled by a form tag and the input tagwith the
type set to file. Please note the enctype attribute in the form element. You need to set
this element as per the example so that your webserver will upload the file.
<formname="myform" action="\cgibin\
oecgi2.exe\inet_myloadproc" method="POST"
<inputname="myfilename" type="file"size="50">
The BASIC+ code for the inet_myloadproc Stored Procedure is below.
Function inet_myuploadproc(request)
//Sample code to demonstrate how to upload a file to OpenInsight via OECGI2
declare function inet_query Param
//set the upload directory
uploadDir = c:\inetpub\upload\
//For FileMode = 1 & 2
//Get the name of the file the user uploaded to us
filename = inet_queryparam(request, myfilename )
//Get the name of the file stored in the directory specified in FilePath
uploaded FileName = inet_query param(request, myfilename.filename )
//Now copy the uploaded file to somewhere on our server so that we can process it
osread data from uploadDir:uploadFileNamethen
oswrite data ondrive(): \ :filename
//For FileMode = 3
//The actual data file is passed to us via the request string
data = inet_query param(request, myfilename )
return thanks for uploading you file to us
Note1: FileMode = 2 will delete the temporary file from the upload directory after
your BASIC+ procedure completes.
Note2: We did not create an input tag in our html page with the name of
myfilename.filename. This is added to the request string by OECGI2 to pass you the
temporary filename it created in the upload FilePath directory.