Troubleshooting FS133 Errors When Copying Tables in Windows 7 and Server 2008 (Network Compatibility,Operating System Compatibility)

Revelation Software has received a small number of support queries regarding errors on Windows 7 work stations while using server 2008.  These errors appear with an error message FS133.


The creation and maintenance of linear hash database tables may fail when the file sharing protocol between the workstation and server is SMB 2.0 and the LinearHash service is installed. An example of this problem  appears when trying to create a new table using the copy table command. In the example error shown below the source table is located on a Windows 2008 server and the Windows 7 client is trying to copy the table to another directory on the server. The command fails with an FS133 error message.



The first step to diagnose this message is to check the share permissions, NTFS file permissions, and verify no users are locking the table at the operating system level. If everything checks out but the problem persists you may be encountering an access conflict introduced by SMB 2.0. Further investigation should reveal Windows XP clients with the same rights are capable of completing the action since XP supports only SMB 1. In all cases where the server permissions were correctly set the problem was resolved by disabling SMB 2 on the client.


For information on disabling SMB 2 and what environments support SMB 2 please refer to this article, how to disable SMB 2.0 on Windows Vista/2008.


Specific background technical information about SMB 2 improvements are available from this technet article.


The problem likely results from an operating system lock when the table is created. Certain operations, such as creating a new table, require direct access by the client to the directory where .LK and .OV files are located. The client computer creates empty database files and then signals the LinearHashservice to open them. SMB 2 introduces a situation where contention between the workstation and the LinearHash service over the files causes the creation of subsequent attach to fail.

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  • Last modified: 2024/01/30 13:36
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