
CANPASTE property (EditTable)

Specifies if a Clipboard PASTE operation can be performed. The paste is allowed if one of the following criteria is met:

• If a current cell is being edited, has text selected and is not read-only (as per the EDITLINE control CANCUT property).

• If one or more rows are selected.

o If the MINROWLIMIT property is set a CUT will not be allowed if the number of rows would be reduced past the limit.

• If the control has a valid current cell (but is not being edited) that is not a button, dropdown list or checkbox type cell.

In the latter two cases the CUT will be denied if the EditTable control is read-only.

The CANCUT property is a Boolean value of TRUE$ or FALSE$. If TRUE$ then the control will allow a Clipboard cut operation.



//// Example: Determine if a cut operation is possible on the MY_TABLE//
   //// EditTable control//
   CutEnabled = Get_Property( @window : ".MY_TABLE", "CANCUT" )

CANCOPY property, CANPASTE property, CANUNDO property, COPY method, CUT method, PASTE method, UNDO method, CLIPBOARD object.

  • oi10/presentation_server/canpaste_property_edittable.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by