
DROPDOWN method (PropertyGrid)

If the current item is a combo-box type this method forces it to display the dropdown list. If the current item has an options button this method triggers the PROPOPTIONS event instead.

bDroppedDown = Exec_Method( ctrlEntID, "DROPDOWN" )


TRUE$ if the current item was a combo-box or button type, FALSE$ otherwise.

If the current item is not a combo-box or button type this method has no effect.

$Insert PS_Property_Grid_Equates

   $Insert Logical


   CtrlEntID = @Window : ".PRG_MAIN"


   // Set the full list of items...   

   Pgl     = "Data" : @Vm : "Title"    : @Vm : PS_PGI_EDIT$    : @Vm : "Yadda"

   Pgl<-1> = "Data" : @Vm : "SubTitle" : @Vm : PS_PGI_EDIT$    : @Vm : "Whatever"

   Pgl<-1> = "UI"   : @Vm : "Visible"  : @Vm : PS_PGI_CHECK$   : @Vm : TRUE$

   Pgl<-1> = "UI"   : @Vm : "Color"    : @Vm : PS_PGIT_BUTTON$ : @Vm : ""


   Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "LISTX", Pgl )

   // Select the button item in the list (this will select "Color")

   Call Set_Property_Only( CtrlEntID, "SELPOS", 4 )


   // Fire the PROPOPTIONS event for the current item (“Color”)

   Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "DROPDOWN" )


  • oi10/presentation_server/dropdown_method_propertygrid.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by