
LIST property (Listbox)

Gets or Sets the list of items in the control, or an individual property item when specifying an index value.

If no index is specified then the property value is an @fm delimited list of all items in the control. If an index is specified then the property value is a single item.

If the ListBox does not have a valid IMAGELIST then each item should be the text to display (Tab characters may be used to control indenting).

If the ListBox has a valid IMAGELIST object then each item may be prefixed with an "item-header" containing the image number to display and the indent that that item should appear at. The header has the format:

<item> ::= <images> "-" <indent> ":: <text>

The "images" specifier may be further broken down into a comma-delimited array, with each position in the array corresponding to one of the common item states.

<images> ::= <normal> ","

<hot> ","

<selected> ","

<hotselected> ","

<selectednofocus> ","



At runtime an individual property may be referenced via a row index value using the normal Get/Set_Property index parameter. The index value is the 1-based position of the item.

Note that setting the LIST property is the same as using the LISTX property.

LISTX property, IMAGELIST object, INITSTORAGE method, ITEMIMAGEINDEX method, UPDATE method.

  • oi10/presentation_server/list_property_listbox.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by