
PASTE method (PropertyGrid)

If the current property item is being edited this method copies text from the clipboard to the item.

bPasted = Exec_Method( ctrlEntID, "PASTE" )


TRUE$ if the text was being edited, FALSE$ otherwise.

This method only works on enabled property items with the PS_PGIT_EDIT$, PS_PGIT_EDITBUTTON$, or PS_PGIT_EDITCOMBO$ styles.

$Insert PS_Property_Grid_Equates

   $Insert Logical


   CtrlEntID = @Window : ".PRG_MAIN"


   If Get_Property( CtrlEntID, "EDITORHANDLE" ) Then

      // A property is being edited

      Call Exec_Method( CtrlEntID, "PASTE" )


EDITORHANDLE property, COPY method, CUT method, SELECTALL method, UNDO method

  • oi10/presentation_server/paste_method_propertygrid.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by