
STATUSFONT property (System)

Returns the font used by Windows for displaying text in status line and tooltip controls.

This property is an @svm-delimited array containing the following font information.

<0,0,1> Facename

<0,0,2> Height

<0,0,3> Weight

<0,0,4> Italic

<0,0,5> Underline

<0,0,6> Width

<0,0,7> Charset

<0,0,8> PitchAndFamily

<0,0,9> Strikeout

<0,0,10> OutPrecision

<0,0,11> ClipPrecision

<0,0,12> Quality


The font returned is always scaled to 96 DPI.

// Example - Get the Windows Status font, scale to the correct DPI, and set

   //           it for a static control called TXT_STATUS


   StatusFont = Get_Property( "SYSTEM", "STATUSFONT" )

   ScaledFont  = Exec_Method( @Window : ".TXT_STATUS", "SCALEFONT", StatusFont )

   Call Set_Property_Only( @Window : ".TXT_STATUS", "FONT", ScaledFont )

Common GUI Font property, Common GUI SCALEFONT method, SYSTEM MESSAGEFONT property.

  • oi10/presentation_server/statusfont_property_system.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by