STOPFRAME property (Animate)
Specifies the last frame number to display when playing a clip.
Property Value
The STOPFRAME property is an integer value that specifies the frame number to stop playing at. The value must be -1 (the default) to specify the last frame in the clip, or be greater than the STARTFRAME value and less than 65536.
Property Traits
Development | Runtime | Indexed | Scaled | Synthetic |
Get/Set | Get/Set | No | No | No |
// Example: // // Open an AVI file called "FileCopyXP.avi" and begin playing // immediately from frames 4 to 8 $Insert Logical ObjxArray = @Window : ".ANI_COPYING" PropArray = "AUTOPLAY" DataArray = TRUE$ ObjxArray := @Rm : @Window : ".ANI_COPYING" PropArray := @Rm : "STARTFRAME" DataArray := @Rm : 4 ObjxArray := @Rm : @Window : ".ANI_COPYING" PropArray := @Rm : "STOPFRAME" DataArray := @Rm : 8 ObjxArray := @Rm : @Window : ".ANI_COPYING" PropArray := @Rm : "CLIPNAME" DataArray := @Rm : ".\avi\filecopyxp.avi" Call Set_Property_Only( ObjxArray, PropArray, DataArray )
See Also