
SYSTEM Properties

The SYSTEM object supports the following properties

ASYNCCURSORPOSRetrieves the current cursor position in screen coordinates.
ASYNCKEYSTATERetrieves the state of a key at the time the property is accessed.
AUTOEXECSpecifies if the application is running in “AutoExec” mode.
BLOCKEVENTSEnabled or disables the Presentation Server from generating and dispatching events.
CHARMAPSets a character conversion map for ANSI applications.
CMDLINEReturns the command line used to start the Presentation Server.
COMCTLVERSIONReturns the version of the Windows COMCTL32 DLL loaded by the system.
CONFIGINFOReturns the settings extracted from the RXI file used at startup.
COUNTERReturns and increments the system counter value.
CURSORSpecifies the default cursor for the application.
CURSORPOSReturns the position of the mouse cursor with respect to the last message processed.
CUSTOMCOLORSSpecifies the array of custom colors used with the Windows Color dialog box.
DELIMCOUNTSpecifies the "delimiter count" used by the application when converting ANSI strings to Unicode and vice-versa.
DEVMODESpecifies if the Presentation Server is running in development mode.
DEVSYSTEMSpecifies if the application is licensed for development capabilities.
DPIReturns the System DPI setting.
DPIAWARESpecifies if the Presentation Server is running in DPI-Aware mode.
DPIPERMONITORSpecifies if the operating system supports monitors with individual DPI settings
DRAGSOURCEReturns the name of the control being dragged from during and Drag And Drop operation.
DROPTARGETReturns the name of the control that is currently the target of a Drag and Drop operation.
DWMCOLORSReturns the current color set used for the Windows DWM (Desktop Window Manager).
ENVVARLISTReturns a list containing of all the Windows environment variables and their values.
EXITCODEReturns the exit code of the last process executed via the RUNWIN method.
FOCUSReturns the ID of the control with focus, or sets the focus to specific control.
FOCUSSTYLESSpecifies the global style information for edit-type controls.
FONTLISTReturns a list of available fonts.
IDLEPROCGets the first item in the "idle procedure" queue, or replaces the queue contents.
IDLEPROCQUEUEReturns the list of "idle procedures" waiting to be executed.
INTERACTIVESpecifies if the Presentation Server is running on an interactive window station.
KEYSTATERetrieves the state of a key or all keys.
LOGININFOReturns the credentials used to log into the application.
MESSAGEFONTReturns the font used by Windows for displaying text in message boxes.
METRICSReturns a specified Windows System Metric value.
MODALDisables or enables all Presentation Server forms.
MODULEFILENAMEReturns the path and file name of the current Presentation Server instance.
MONITORLISTReturns a dynamic array of monitor information.
MOUSECAPTUREDReturns the ID and handle of the GUI object that is capturing the mouse.
PREVFOCUSReturns the ID of the GUI object that previously had the focus.
PROCESSIDReturns the process identifier of the current Presentation Server instance.
QUERYENDSpecifies if the Presentation Server is processing a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message.
RECEIVERSpecifies the name of a GUI object that receives and displays data sent from a Basic+ Send_Dyn() call.
RUNMODESpecifies if the Presentation Server is running in runtime mode.
SERVERNAMEReturns the name of the Pipe or the TCPIP Address and Port used to communicate with the RevEngine.
SHOWACCELERATORSSpecifies if controls should display accelerator keys at all times or only when a window is launched via a keyboard action.
SHUTDOWNSpecifies if the Presentation Server is shutting down.
SIZEReturns the dimension of primary monitor and its workspace.
STATUSFONTReturns the font used by Windows for displaying text in status lines.
SUPPRESSAUTODESTROYSpecifies if the “auto-shutdown” process is enabled.
TASKBARIDReturns the TaskBar ID for the current system process.
THEMEDSpecifies if the system us running with OS visual style enabled.
TIMEZONEReturns current time zone information.
TYPESReturns a list of all object types supported by the Presentation Server.
UTF8Specifies if the Presentation Server is running in UTF8 or ANSI mode.
VERSIONReturns OS and Presentation Server version information.
VISIBLESpecifies if the IDE toolset (RTI_IDE) is visible.
WIN64Returns the PS and OS 64-bit flags.
WINCOUNTReturns the number of currently running forms.
WINDOWGHOSTINGSpecifies if “window-ghosting” is active for the current Presentation Server instance.
  • oi10/presentation_server/system_properties.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by