SYSTEM Properties
The SYSTEM object supports the following properties
Name | Description |
ASYNCCURSORPOS | Retrieves the current cursor position in screen coordinates. |
ASYNCKEYSTATE | Retrieves the state of a key at the time the property is accessed. |
AUTOEXEC | Specifies if the application is running in “AutoExec” mode. |
BLOCKEVENTS | Enabled or disables the Presentation Server from generating and dispatching events. |
CHARMAP | Sets a character conversion map for ANSI applications. |
CMDLINE | Returns the command line used to start the Presentation Server. |
COMCTLVERSION | Returns the version of the Windows COMCTL32 DLL loaded by the system. |
CONFIGINFO | Returns the settings extracted from the RXI file used at startup. |
COUNTER | Returns and increments the system counter value. |
CURSOR | Specifies the default cursor for the application. |
CURSORPOS | Returns the position of the mouse cursor with respect to the last message processed. |
CUSTOMCOLORS | Specifies the array of custom colors used with the Windows Color dialog box. |
DELIMCOUNT | Specifies the "delimiter count" used by the application when converting ANSI strings to Unicode and vice-versa. |
DEVMODE | Specifies if the Presentation Server is running in development mode. |
DEVSYSTEM | Specifies if the application is licensed for development capabilities. |
DPI | Returns the System DPI setting. |
DPIAWARE | Specifies if the Presentation Server is running in DPI-Aware mode. |
DPIPERMONITOR | Specifies if the operating system supports monitors with individual DPI settings |
DRAGSOURCE | Returns the name of the control being dragged from during and Drag And Drop operation. |
DROPTARGET | Returns the name of the control that is currently the target of a Drag and Drop operation. |
DWMCOLORS | Returns the current color set used for the Windows DWM (Desktop Window Manager). |
ENVVARLIST | Returns a list containing of all the Windows environment variables and their values. |
EXITCODE | Returns the exit code of the last process executed via the RUNWIN method. |
FOCUS | Returns the ID of the control with focus, or sets the focus to specific control. |
FOCUSSTYLES | Specifies the global style information for edit-type controls. |
FONTLIST | Returns a list of available fonts. |
IDLEPROC | Gets the first item in the "idle procedure" queue, or replaces the queue contents. |
IDLEPROCQUEUE | Returns the list of "idle procedures" waiting to be executed. |
INTERACTIVE | Specifies if the Presentation Server is running on an interactive window station. |
KEYSTATE | Retrieves the state of a key or all keys. |
LOGININFO | Returns the credentials used to log into the application. |
MESSAGEFONT | Returns the font used by Windows for displaying text in message boxes. |
METRICS | Returns a specified Windows System Metric value. |
MODAL | Disables or enables all Presentation Server forms. |
MODULEFILENAME | Returns the path and file name of the current Presentation Server instance. |
MONITORLIST | Returns a dynamic array of monitor information. |
MOUSECAPTURED | Returns the ID and handle of the GUI object that is capturing the mouse. |
PREVFOCUS | Returns the ID of the GUI object that previously had the focus. |
PROCESSID | Returns the process identifier of the current Presentation Server instance. |
QUERYEND | Specifies if the Presentation Server is processing a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. |
RECEIVER | Specifies the name of a GUI object that receives and displays data sent from a Basic+ Send_Dyn() call. |
RUNMODE | Specifies if the Presentation Server is running in runtime mode. |
SERVERNAME | Returns the name of the Pipe or the TCPIP Address and Port used to communicate with the RevEngine. |
SHOWACCELERATORS | Specifies if controls should display accelerator keys at all times or only when a window is launched via a keyboard action. |
SHUTDOWN | Specifies if the Presentation Server is shutting down. |
SIZE | Returns the dimension of primary monitor and its workspace. |
STATUSFONT | Returns the font used by Windows for displaying text in status lines. |
SUPPRESSAUTODESTROY | Specifies if the “auto-shutdown” process is enabled. |
TASKBARID | Returns the TaskBar ID for the current system process. |
THEMED | Specifies if the system us running with OS visual style enabled. |
TIMEZONE | Returns current time zone information. |
TYPES | Returns a list of all object types supported by the Presentation Server. |
UTF8 | Specifies if the Presentation Server is running in UTF8 or ANSI mode. |
VERSION | Returns OS and Presentation Server version information. |
VISIBLE | Specifies if the IDE toolset (RTI_IDE) is visible. |
WIN64 | Returns the PS and OS 64-bit flags. |
WINCOUNT | Returns the number of currently running forms. |
WINDOWGHOSTING | Specifies if “window-ghosting” is active for the current Presentation Server instance. |