
TASKBARBUTTON property (Window)

Returns TRUE$ if Windows has created a taskbar button for the window.

This is a Boolean property.


Properties and methods that affect the Windows taskbar, such as OVERLAYICON and TASKBARID, will not work until Windows has created a taskbar button for the window in question. This property can be used to check if the taskbar button is present before any attempts to interact with it are made.

// Example - check to see if the taskbar button has been created

   // before attempting to set the overlay icon   

   If Get_Property( @Window, "TASKBARBUTTON" ) Then

      Icon = ".\icons\mywin.ico"

      Call Set_Property( @Window, "OVERLAYICON", Icon )


OVERLAYICON property, TASKBARID property, SYNCTASKBAR property

  • oi10/presentation_server/taskbarbutton_property_window.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by