
'@' (User-defined) property (Common)

Gets or sets a string of user-defined data, using a custom property name. The property name is defined by the developer and must be prefixed with an '@' symbol. This string can be used for any purpose, and stays with the specified object until replaced by another string.

A string containing user defined data.


User-defined properties are a convenient way to store application-specific data against an object at runtime. There is no limit to number of user-defined properties for an object, and they exist for the lifetime of the object they are linked to.

* // Read a configuration record and cache its contents against the

   * // current window in an "@CONFIG" property.


   Read CfgRec from @File_SysEnv, CfgID Then

      Call Set_Property_Only( @Window, "@CONFIG", CfgRec )





   * // At a later point when we want to retrieve the data ...

   CfgData = Get_Property( @Window, "@CONFIG" )

MISC propert, UDPLIST property

  • oi10/presentation_server/user_defined_property_common.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/25 10:49
  • by