
Editor++ User Interface

The Editor++ User Interface is an OpenInsight MDIFrame. It allows for multiple instances of multiple windows to be displayed within the workspace. You may have multiple routines, records and/or Inserts open within the workspace. The User Interface consists of a menu, a tool bar, a workspace and status area.


The Menu


The Menu provides links to the operations that can be performed within the Editor++. Refer to the Editor++ Menus topic for details.

The Toolbar

The Toolbar provides easy access to Editor++ operations. Refer to Editor++ Toolbar topic for details.

The Workspace

The Editor++ Workspace provides an area in which to open data records, source code and operating system files. Refer to Editor++ Features for more information.

The Editor Status Area


The Editor++ Status Tabs Areas provides status information, find & replace functionality, as well as other functionality. Refer to Editor++ Status for more information.

  • programming/programming_in_openinsight/editor_user_interface.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
  • by