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At 03 FEB 2003 03:13:14PM STEVEN L BELL wrote:

I did an application full deploy on a small system

with only one entry screen. The entry screen will not read a record.

the popup works, gives me all the keys and stuff. R\List works and gives me a good report on the same table, but I can't read a record with the entry screen. Every thing works fine on the development side.

Any one know what I could look for? When it tries to read, the bell

rings. QBF does'nt work either. Same thing, the bell rings.

At 03 FEB 2003 04:14PM Richard Bright wrote:

Prior to doing the RDK Extract, did you do a Scan_Rep and Rebuild System Indexes?

As a fix for your present situation you might like to quickly run out a RDK extract - Upgrade/module - for just the form. This way you will be able to focus on the problem, look at all the commponents in the SYSUPGRADE table to check if they are properly extracted without other distractions, and of cause fix the application.

Richard Bright

BrightIdeas New Zealand

At 09 FEB 2003 04:58PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Another thing to try is start and engine log and see if that is returning any failures.

To create an engine log, switch to OpenEngine and click Start Log.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all Things RevSoft

At 09 FEB 2003 11:00PM Robert Lee wrote:

One thought…

Are you successfully attached to your data?


Robert Lee

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