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At 14 MAR 2000 05:01:57AM Adam Harvey wrote:

We are currently in the process of creating a generic reporting platform. We use Revelation G and wanted to know whether there was a tool available that would enable us to export data from Revelation G into a third party application such as Business Objects.

At 14 MAR 2000 05:52AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

The easiest way is to export to text and then import. There have been several discussions about this recently on the board. Rev G ships with a utility called PORTER that can be used to export data. Failing that look back a few days for the threads about an export utility sold by one of the forum users.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 14 MAR 2000 12:40PM wrote:

This one from BizSoft is/will be free onmouseover=window.status=imagine … opinions that seem to scare;return(true)"

David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions

cell: 503-341-2983

At 17 MAR 2000 04:38PM CT Savell wrote:

If you need a copy of PORTER, contact me and I'll send you a copy.

Tom Savell

At 17 MAR 2000 06:26PM Revelation Software wrote:

If Adam doesn't have his own copy of the Porter utility for Revelation G and he would like to use it, he can obtain a properly licensed copy by contacting Revelation Customer Care at 978-247-7100. Receiving and using a copy of all or a portion of someone else's system would not be an appropriate use of the software.

Revelation Software

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