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Has anyone got the Examples O4W_ORDER_ENTRY to work (OpenInsight 32-bit)

At 21 MAR 2012 05:59:36PM jackie jones wrote:

From the O4W 9.3 Reference Guide, I'm trying to get the Example Stored Procedure example O4W_ORDER_ENTRY to work but it gives an error message saying SYS1004: Error loading dictionary item "CUST_NO". It opens the Dictionary for ORDERS because it doens't give an error message, and there is a CUST_NO dictionary in it. This is a long program, has anyone got it to run?


At 21 MAR 2012 06:42PM bshumsky wrote:

From the O4W 9.3 Reference Guide, I'm trying to get the Example Stored Procedure example O4W_ORDER_ENTRY to work but it gives an error message saying SYS1004: Error loading dictionary item "CUST_NO". It opens the Dictionary for ORDERS because it doens't give an error message, and there is a CUST_NO dictionary in it. This is a long program, has anyone got it to run?


Hi, Jackie. You should look at the table builder to check out the dictionary for CUST_NO in the ORDERS table. The error message seems to say that the problem isn't that O4W isn't finding the dictionary; rather, it's finding it, but something else is missing when it's trying to execute it. So, does it have an index that's not built, or not up to date, or doesn't exist at all? Or is there an XLATE to a non-existent field, or a calculation that's invalid?

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

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