Message_Box Font (OpenInsight 16-Bit Specific)
At 13 DEC 2002 11:07:44AM STEVEN L BELL wrote:
Hello All,
The text I print using the Message_Box function seems to be a proportional font.
Is there a way to change to a fixed font such as currier just in the
message box? I'm tring to line up some dates in the box.
At 13 DEC 2002 11:26AM Donald Bakke wrote:
If you are using the UI Workspace to design your message then you can change the font by clicking on the menu Message -] Font. If this is a programmed font you can override the default font by changing field 18 in the MsgStructure parameter. Just look at the Programmer's Reference Guide for more information.
At 13 DEC 2002 02:23PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status= Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Why are you using Message_Box over MSG? (Enquiring minds and all that…)
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At 13 DEC 2002 03:05PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Ah, missed that. I thought Steven was talking generically. You are right, of course, in that he should be using Msg().