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At 04 MAR 2002 03:16:48PM Bruce Gray wrote:

We're getting an intermittent 'FS103 Disk Volume Full' error. Our environment is Arev 2.12, NT4 workstation, and NT4 server running the NPP1.5. All the latest service packs have been applied to the workstations and server. The server has over 4GB of free space.

This code has worked without errors for years. We converted from Novell to NT 3 months ago. All Novell drivers have been removed from the workstations. It worked fine, as NT only for the past 3 months, now this FS103 error.

Anyone have any ideas?

At 04 MAR 2002 03:47PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Are all files assoicated with a valid owner (they weren't say created by "Fred" who's now left and been removed from the directory?).

We normally use Supervisor to be safe.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 05 MAR 2002 02:46AM Bruce Gray wrote:

The error is being caused by an RBASIC OSBWRITE command to a DOS file. The DOS file is first locked by a byte write to another DOS file and then appended or created, then a byte write to the dos lock file unlocks the file. Another program locks the file then FTP's the appended file to another system (non-arev) at another site. The FTP code then deletes to file from DOS and writes an unlock byte to the DOS lock file. This code worked for 5 years under Novell and 3 months under NT.

All users were given full NT administrative access rights to the server directory. Reads/writes to native arev files are not a problem. It's only this one dos file that's creating havoc.

At 05 MAR 2002 07:08AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Interesting - we always assumed that an OsOpen opened in Exclusive Write mode thus preventing other apps from accessing in exclusive mode, so no pseudo locking was necessary. Have you not found this to be the case?

No chance that you are exceeding a 2 or 4 GB pointer anywhere is there?

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 05 MAR 2002 12:11PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

On the other hand, it could be that the disk is reporting no free space since it exceeds the DOS limit and rolling back to a negative disk-space value. The ARev install routines do this also.

You should really place disk limits (or quotas, I think is the MS term) to 2G per directory.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

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