Cameron P. MDI Casacade control (OpenInsight Specific)
At 26 JAN 1999 11:28:25PM Barry Stevens wrote:
When the workspace window is run and you select a screen then another screen and close one screen, then open another, you get the normal mdi cascade at the lowest end of the cascade with gap at the top left.
Now, if you close all windows and open onother then it is started from the first point of the top left, this is NOT how my MDI behaves, it puts it at the point of the last window plus offset until it gets to some defined point and starts from the top again
What did you do to make it work like this.
I looked at the workspace code…and well..ummm…cant follow a lot of it, sorry.
Barry Stevens
At 28 JAN 1999 12:44PM Cameron Revelation wrote:
Hi Barry,
How did I do it? To be honest, I don't know. I don't remember doing it. All I can say is that I call it with only three parameters:
1. Window name to create
2. The ID of the frame to create it within
3. The parameter to pass to the create event
Just search on Start_MDIChild to see what I mean.
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software