Creating/Install MFS (OpenInsight 16-Bit Specific)
At 01 JUL 2002 04:56:23PM b cameron wrote:
I have read the MFS.PDF, read many posts on implementing an MFS and still am unclear on a couple things.
1) Logged into Sysprog
2) created a new stored procedure MY_MFS which has 1 line
call MY_MFS_CODE(args,…), compiled.
3) created new stored procedure MY_MFS_CODE, compiled.
4) EXEC run set_mfs "tablename","myapp",1
Do I have to do this in Sysprog. If so, I am concerned about OI upgrades?
Do I need to do a database save (OI v.3.7.5)?
Can I just edit the SYSTABLE record for tablename and manually
add the MY_MFS to ?
On the code end of it. If the code coming in to the mfs is a WRITE
what is the most efficient way to get the "before" look of the record?
At 01 JUL 2002 08:15PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status= Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Hmm why the two stage approach? We'd just write an MFS (say AUDIT.MFS) then from system editor
If you don't do it from sysprog use
Then either way save the database definition or it will "disappear" when you next log in.
Easiest way is to save off the various values then set the code to 4 and call the chain to do the read, grab the record then restore the values.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 01 JUL 2002 09:21PM b cameron wrote:
Thanks Sprezz,
Does it matter if the name of the MFS is MY_MFS or MY.MFS ?
The two stage approach is because Fld 2 of table A (A)
is accumulated in Fld 1 of table C (C).
Fld 5 or table B (B) is accumulated in Fld 2 of table C (C).
Instead of trying to nail down the table name by the handle I
created a procedure A_MFS and B_MFS for the respective tables.
They call ABC_MFS with 1 extra arguement TABLEID.
Seemed to me that having the MFS call another routine would give me
a little flexability but more so right now to clear my brain as I need
to get this in place and came up with this for now. Figured I would
go back and change later.
As for responding to the question of the recordbefore and recordafter
say the write code I don't think I quite follow.
Thanks again.
At 01 JUL 2002 10:16PM wrote:
bc] Does it matter if the name of the MFS is MY_MFS or MY.MFS ?
A rose by any other name .. the . will work but _ is preferred
bc] The two stage approach is because Fld 2 of table A (A)
is accumulated in Fld 1 of table C (C).
Fld 5 or table B (B) is accumulated in Fld 2 of table C (C).
If it is working for you now .. cool BUT i would suggest in the future to simply use the single routine approach it is, to my way of thinking, simpler/cleaner .. but your mileage may very
By the way I would use expendable so the compiling then running will make sure you have the 'newest' obj. Then when you are really happy remove it to speed it back up. onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
Phone: 503-639-4240
At 01 JUL 2002 10:29PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status= Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
SaveCode=CodeSaveHandle=HandleSaveName=NameSaveRecord=RecordCode=1Call @NextFs(Code, BFS, Handle, Name, FMC, Record, Status)OldRecord=RecordCode=SaveCodeHandle=SaveHandleName=SaveNameRecord=SaveRecordWorld Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 01 JUL 2002 11:05PM b cameron wrote:
Thanks, I have been using the expendable. That was part of the mfs.pdf.
Still haven't changed the 2 proc. version. Haven't figured out
in the code how to tell which file is being processed. Will keep pluggin away though.
At 01 JUL 2002 11:08PM b cameron wrote:
So your saying do a recursive call depending on the 'Code' arg. value?
So assuming I have 1 Mfs (which I really do anyway right now)
if I only wanted to process logic if a write happened your saying
check code for 'write' save the values; call @my_mfs('read'…)
then do the compare?
At 02 JUL 2002 11:13AM b cameron wrote:
Ok, I made 1 routine.
I run from EXEC: in system editor
I get a 'red' results msg, just FS.
If I go to SYSPROG and do
I get FS401 ' MFSLOG table has not been created or attached.'
MFSLOG is a table I created in MYAPP. It is a table I created to log
issues, errors that the cb_mfs might have during processing.
What gives here?
At 09 JUL 2002 04:46PM b cameron wrote:
Thanks for the responses/replies; esp. DSig for the time on the emails.
My struggle was due to not having the shells. I was close, I needed
to have code for the INSTALL (22) and the correct STATUS (1).
I was using case statements (which would seem to me quicker than on gosubs (any benchmarks anyone?) and just plain struggling without the shell.
It would seem to me that some new MFS documentation for OI would be good, as well as a separate 'Online discussion'. MFS coding is trickey, sensitive and powerful but could also be de-constructive.