Patch for Year 2000 problem in Report Designer (ViP Specific)
At 24 OCT 1997 04:24:30AM Chee Chung, Tham wrote:
I was previously informed by a Mr Richard Bibbins that the patch to fix a particular bug involving the Year 2000 in the Report Designer would be available by end-September. I've since lost his email address, and I was wondering if this patch is available already.
Chee Chung, Tham
Finesse Software
At 24 OCT 1997 09:45AM Stephen Bellefontaine Revelation wrote:
This was a bug fix to ViP itself that is now available in ViP2.5. It fixed an error in getting a date (relative to 1900) that is primarily used by the Report code.
It occured in two DLLs, and Revelation Development Staff decided not to make this an official "patch", but rather to fix it for V2.5.
If you are a ViP Works Subscriber you should have received your quarterly upgrade, if not please call our Customer Service dept. at
Hope this helps,
ViP Tech Support