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At 21 JUN 2002 12:19:44PM F Dietrich wrote:

We recently installed OI 4.0.2 on our development version and now a whole bunch of our database driven windows windows blow up whenever you enter a key. We get an error message that says, "OInsight.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log has been created." Sometimes it will also give us, a message with the caption "Read/Write Error" and the text, "The values you entered in the ID (identification field) are empty. Please enter data and try again." Except, when it gives us this message, it closes OI.

Does anybody know why this might be happening?

So far, I tried making a dummy database driven form and entering keys into it and it worked fine. So, I went into one of the forms that was having the problem and traced through the LOSTFOCUS event to the key field and it worked fine, but then the message came up in the READ event. I then tried tracing through the READ event and the message didn't come up until a Forward_Event() call. In other words, we do some processing, read the record and then do some more processing. I can't figure out why we'd get these errors and what our real forms have in them that the test form I made doesn't have in it.

At 26 JUN 2002 08:52AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Check for a promoted event, because this is not a standard system message, as best as we can determine, so somewhere, you have to be calling this message yourself. On the other hand, you could have modified an existing system message.

The Sprezzatura Group

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