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At 26 MAR 2001 06:04:14PM Roy Drummond wrote:

I am getting a message "Insufficient memory to execute Form Designer." I have a feeling this is not accurate. My W98 system has 128MB with 59% free. Any ideas what it might be?


At 27 MAR 2001 04:01AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Does this happen all the time? Even after a reboot with no other programs running?

I don't know which Windows version you've got, but with the 9x versions of Windows it's easy to run out of resources for 16-bit programs. There are three kinds of such resources. It's not just a matter of so and so much memory. Perhaps your system is low on one of them (because of OI/your app or other 16-bit programs).

There are others on the list with more knowledge in these matters.

- Oystein -

At 27 MAR 2001 04:08AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


Go and open the Resource Meter application (it should be on your System Tools menu) and have a look at the User and GDI resources used. If it's the problem Oystein refered to then one of these should be extremely low (usually the User resource).

Basically these versions of windows (3/95/98/ME) allocate 64KB worth of data for User (UI controls) and GDI (painting) resources, so each control in each 16bit app takes a slice of them, which is why they go down.

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft


At 07 APR 2001 04:01PM Roy Drummond wrote:

It's been a while, I forgot I had posted this problem…

I am stumped, I can't find a System Tools menu, or the Resource Meter application. Have looked in OI, OE, OI Help, Guide to App. Dev., Prog. Ref. Man., Getting Started, and even What's New for 3.6.

The problem I am having is a result of ignorance. I developed an app on my Dell PIII 500 laptop. I then used LapLink to copy it to the client's Sony PII Laptop. I then had to do a couple quick fixes on the Sony. After entering all their data we found out Rev Reporter would not sort the report. (You told me so, Don. :-) I then used LapLink to copy it back to my Dell Laptop, in another location to redo the reports.

This is when I found out about the memory error on my Dell laptop. I also just found out it happens when I click on Database Manager from the Development menu. This is all happening on the most current version of the database that was copied from the client's Sony laptop.

What could be wrong?

Another question for later…since I have two development copies of the app, I figure mine will go away in the near future, How do I copy my changes back into the client's copy of the app? I don't think RDK is what I need and I'm sure there is no such command as SOPYROW in OI. Any insight (Groan) would be appreciated.


At 08 APR 2001 02:10AM Donald Bakke wrote:


I am stumped, I can't find a System Tools menu, or the Resource Meter application.

This is a Microsoft Windows application. It's usually in Programs-]Accessories-]System Tools. Sometimes it isn't pre-installed and you'll have to add it using the Windows Setup tab of the Add/Remove Program window in the Control Panel.

What could be wrong?

I would first do a Client Install on both laptops just to make sure the correct DLL's (and other related files) are installed so that OpenInsight will run correctly. Normally these are pre-installed on all 32-bit Windows but we've seen where these files are missing or replaced with incompatible versions. If you have a Works subscription then you can get the Client Install from the yearly CD that was just sent out a few weeks ago. Otherwise, you'll have to get it from the download site on this board.

Another question for later…since I have two development copies of the app, I figure mine will go away in the near future, How do I copy my changes back into the client's copy of the app? I don't think RDK is what I need and I'm sure there is no such command as SOPYROW in OI. Any insight (Groan) would be appreciated.

I think you meant "COPYROW". Yes there is a command in OI, it's COPY_ROW. However, if you plan on doing ongoing maintenance of this application then I suggest you use the RDK's Upgrade/Module feature to transfer your work back and forth. It will take some time and effort to become efficient, but short of writing your own process this is the best way to do this.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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