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At 18 JAN 2004 10:38:16AM Peter Ashby wrote:

Just installed a new version of Crystal - v. for testing for a client.

Set up the odbc connections as previously that worked.

Now get the following, pasted from the SQL.log file.

crw32 6b8-6cc EXIT SQLDriverConnectW with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)

	HDBC                03241678
	HWND                002004CE
	WCHAR *             0x1F7C4AA0       -3 "******\ 0"
	SWORD                       -3 
	WCHAR *             0x1F7C4AA0 
	SWORD                        8 
	SWORD *             0x00000000
	UWORD                        0 
	DIAG S0000 Revelation Software IncRevelation ODBC DriverOpenEngineSQLDriverConnect error - OpenEngine has reported the following exception: SYS1220:  The object code is missing. (7) 
	DIAG 01000 MicrosoftODBC Driver Manager The driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested (see SQLSetEnvAttr). (0) 

Can anyone shed light on where to look or has Crystal changed something so the odbc will not work? Testing this for a client that really wants to use Crystal as they use it for Epicor, Ceridian and BNA, adn they have 2 people comfortable with CR.

At 19 JAN 2004 04:31AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


DIAG S0000 Revelation Software IncRevelation ODBC DriverOpenEngineSQLDriverConnect error - OpenEngine has reported the following exception: SYS1220: The object code is missing. (7)

Can you start an OE log and check it to see what the ODBC driver is asking for when it gets this message?

To do so start a named and visible copy of OE and have the ODBC driver connect to that. You can use the log buttons on the OE window to track what's happening then.

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 19 JAN 2004 08:30AM Peter Ashby wrote:

The log shows only the start and stop times, nothing in between. Running OI 4.13, server is W2K with service packs, workstation is W2K Pro with service packs. Running TCP/IP. Tested with NT service 2.5 and Universal Driver. ODBC driver is - are there any updates? Tried it as User DSN and System DSN. Same results.

At 20 JAN 2004 05:50PM Peter Ashby wrote:

Resolution - reinstalled OI and upgraded to 4.13 and reinstalled the odbc driver, things started working. Possible 'hosed' OI copy.


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